"Why would she think that?" Riley argued, "That's just silly."

"Because when you ask so many questions and mommy and daddy try to answer them, we can't get to Ryan in time. That makes her sad," Harry concluded, "Mommy just doesn't want her to be sad."

"Okay," Riley was not content with what was happening but she did not have much of a choice to object. Her mother was upset at her whining and the tantrum she threw, and that was her worst nightmare. She sulked, the crinkles of her frown deepening with despair. "Are we still going to the lady?"

"Yes, we still are. They want to talk to us about being a family," Harry scooted himself to the table, his fork gently stabbing the first layer of fluffy pancakes and placing them in his mouth to chew. In the back of his curious mind, he wondered what was going on with his wife, and Ryan. They were two of his girls, and it made his heart pound when they aren't happy as they deserve to be. Nevertheless, he occupied his thoughts with Riley, and his grumbling appetite. "Let's be nice, okay?"

Meanwhile, Vegas' heels pattered aimlessly down the hallways in search of her three year old daughter. With the number of rooms, it would surely take hours to find her and the thought of it frightened her. She questioned several maids about Ryan's location, and all of their expressions were dazed and confused about the topic. She thanked them for their service and cooperation, and continued her search.

She thought like a child; she imagined where Riley's favorite place would be, and it suddenly dawned on her. The sound of her heels galloping down the flooring, echoing against the wooden walls. Her running was quick as she relayed heavily on her prediction of where Ryan would be. Her feet halted at the indoor garden off the balcony of their bedroom, the chiffon material of her dress was being played with by miniature fingers at the hemming. She countered inside, her chest heaving with oxygen, and the need to steady her heart beat.

"Riley, what are you doing here?" Ryan was caught off guard. Her head snapped to her mother, her eyelashes fluttering as she observed the sight.

"I'm angry," She confessed as Vegas taught her to. "You don't pay attention to me anymore."

"Oh, Ryan, I'm sorry. Mommy and daddy are sorry," Vegas plopped on the right side of Ryan, tucking her dress underneath her frame with ease. "You have four siblings. Mommy and daddy can be overwhelmed, but we don't mean to ignore you, princess."

"But, you didn't even listen to me when I tried to tell you about preschool. You focused on Riley and Oliver instead," Ryan frowned, "It hurt me."

"I'm sorry, my love. I'm really sorry. I promise daddy and mommy will focus on you more, and we want to hear all about what happened at preschool. Do you forgive me?" Vegas playfully poked out her quivering lips, leaning to amuse her three year old. "Do you forgive mommy? You get a big, old hug!"

"I forgive you!" Ryan giggled, engulfing her arms around her mother in a huge hug. Her mother's chest was warm, and she truly loved her for all she is. Ryan pictured her mother as a superhero, especially after hearing her father explain exactly what she has been through to be with him. She was astonished at her strength; her mother is Wonder Woman herself. "But I'm hungry still. When do we go to the lady?"

"In twenty minutes," She reminded her daughter, flickering her orbs to the large grandfather clock in her bedroom. "Let's go back to our family."

Ryan agreed, taking her hand to sashay and return to her loving family, hand and hand with her beautiful mother.

x x

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