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I swore. "Daniel, you sick bastard."

"He isn't the only one," a growling voice said behind me.

I spun, almost losing my footing as another tremor shot through me. Pharro stood a few feet away, both of his hands glowing red, his stare murderous.

"We should have had our talk sooner."

I dropped my gaze and allowed the strength to fail in my legs, grimacing as the metal grate dug into my knees. Perhaps if I showed complete humility, the man would show mercy. I doubted it, though. I wouldn't show myself mercy if I was in the same position.

"Sir, I did not know," I said quietly.

"What you have done is unforgivable."

"I know."

Pharro grabbed the front of my shirt with glowing hands and slammed me against the trench wall. "No, you don't. Or you would not have done it. How could you not know what you did? I can't even fathom—" The man's eyes were livid. "I should tell you. That would probably do you more damage than I could ever do to you physically short of killing you."

I could hardly breathe. How could it be worse than what I already felt it was? What had I truly done? I nodded forcefully. "Tell me."

Pharro's grip on me burned hotter, scorching my skin. "What?"

I deserved it. "Tell me. Please."

I wondered, for a moment, if Pharro really would kill me. I'd seen that murderous look enough times to recognize it.

"What you have done is permanent, Tritteon," he hissed. "It is something you can only do once in your lifetime. And you will never be able to choose another. Two FengDohrn only do what you did to connect themselves together when they have chosen partner. A Marra, I think your people call it."

"Marra Raiynness," I stammered, icy cold nausea slamming into my gut. I could've sworn the world tipped sideways, the ringing in my ears deafening as the pressure in my chest intensified, Pharro's fiery grip the only thing holding me upright. "How—how could I have never learned this? Wait, but she is not a FengDohrn."

"That's what I would like to know. How could you know how to do that, but not know it's true purpose? The knowledge of connecting yourself to a human is not widely known. Very few individuals would ever..." Pharro's voice faded off and he let go of me. "Desraeon," he growled.

"The Oria?" The world turned violet and the iciness melted away. "But why would he—"

"He has his hand in everything. He is responsible for this. He has to be."

The smell of him burned my nose before he appeared. "It's true," Desraeon said behind me. I spun in time to see him stepping into the trench. "I am responsible for all of this."

"How?" I demanded.

"Simple. Rilyin did exactly as I said and left a few things out of your lessons."

"He would never—"

"He did exactly that."

Pharro took a step toward him. "Why would you do this?"

"That is something we don't have time to discuss before I go," the Oria said to Pharro. He stopped in front of me. "Orion needs you immediately."

"Not after what just happened," I growled.

Desraeon grabbed my arm and shoved me toward the exit. "Get up there, FengDohrn."

I snarled and swiped back, claws extended. The Oria dodged backward and I jumped at him. But Desraeon threw his hands out and I froze in midair.

"I have had a lot of experience with your kind, Tritteon," he said.

The Opelux and Other Monsters || Book OneWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu