Chapter 4 - I am going to get a job the very next day.

Start from the beginning

'That's because I studied and did your assignment, not you.' I mentally say.

"Oh that's very good, Stella." Dad appreciates.

"And our cheer captain had to leave the squad for some reason, so I got selected as the new cheer captain." Chelsea grins in excitement, followed by a squeal from her and Sandra.

"Awesome." Dad smiles. "What about you Cindy?"

"Good." I say, eyes still on my plate. Not really in the mood, after that little drama. 


Its only 9 pm, so everyone is watching T.V in the living room. I come out of my room, walking purposefully towards Dad.

"Hey Dad, I'm out of credit, can I have some money?" I ask him.

Before he could answer, Sandra speaks. "What?! Your father just gave you some money last week!"

"But it was just a little amount. Enough for just a week only." I frown. At that moment, I had only needed a little amount of money for an important call with Sienna, so I didn't ask for much.

"It was enough for more than a week. You just cant keep depending on your father's money, Cindy. Its time that you should start earning your own money. It doesn't grow on trees, you know." She scolds. "You're always demanding money for this and that. Your father can't keep wasting money on you."

That hurts a little. I narrow my eyes. One more damn lecture on just a little request to my Dad. She just needs a reason to object!

I nods thoughtfully. "You're right." I say. Turning back to my room, I notice Stella and Chelsea smirking at my humiliation.

"Cindy!" I hear Dad calling after me, but the last thing I hear before shutting my door is him arguing with Sandra.

Stuffing my face in my pillow, I fall asleep with one thought on my mind.

I am going to get a job the very next day.


Next morning, I wake up with determination. After a shower and brushing my teeth, I prepare breakfast, the determined energy in me helps me work quickly.

I set the table, while Sandra and company seat themselves on the table. When Dad comes downstairs, Sandra says "Morning honey, I made pancakes." She says with a smile, pushing the plate of pancakes towards him.

I stare at her. Seriously?!  I sigh and let it go, not letting it destroy my determination.

"Cindy was just getting whipped cream out of the fridge, come on." She says, faking a smile towards me.

"Yeah, morning Dad." I direct a smile towards him.

"Morning bud." He replies through a mouthful of pancake .


After breakfast and cleaning up, I inform Dad. "Hey dad, I'll come back a little late today."

"Why is that?" Sandra asks.

"I'm gonna look for a job." I reply, my gaze shifting back to dad.

"A job? Cindy....I...I don't think you need to get a job just yet. How will you concentrate on your studies?" Dad says, unsure, possibly feeling bad about last night.

"I'll manage. I should learn to stand on my own feet" I shake my head slightly.

"I won't stop you, but..." He stares at me quietly for a moment then asks, the note of uncertainty still present in his voice. "You sure?"

"Positive." I assure him. He sighs and nods.

"Gotta go now dad, see you later. Love you." I give him a one side hug, going out, grabbing the newspaper from the table.

"Wait." I hear dad call out to me when I am out the door. He is walking out too, towards me.

"Here, take this." He says, handing me some money. "While you get started."

I stare at the money. I don't wanna take it. I can't get insulted by Sandra again. "No dad, I'm not gonna rely on your money. I'm gonna start earning my own."

"No, I earn it for my family. It's not just my money. Take it, Cin. To cover things up a bit, before you start earning your own money. I earn it for you." He pushes it into my hand.

I sigh. "Well...thanks Dad." He hugs me and I hug back.

"No problem. And...sorry for last night. And good luck." He kisses my forehead and let go. I smile at him and set off on my journey to prison, a.k.a school.


A.N: I feel that this chapter is kinda filler type. But it is important to the plot, though I'll try to make the next chapter longer and more interesting, hoping that I'll get a break from studies :/ Anyways, enjoy! :))

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Peace! <3


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