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3rd pov:

No one has ever seen Jonathan's face except one of his best friend, Luke. He didn't know when he'll ever show his face to his subscribers. He knows he wants to, but he loves his mystery life. Jonathan sighs and gets up from bed. Lately, he's been getting the strangest feelings. Everytime he plays with his friends these weird feelings came to him. Especially, when it came down to Evan. Jonathan looks at his phone and starts texting, Evan.

Evan's Pov:

Like always I was being a lazy son of a bitch until, my phone vibrated. I grabbed my phone, hoping it wasn't my ex-girlfriend. I looked at the name and smiled.

Del: Hey.

Vanoss: What's up, man? You need something, Loser! :)

Del: No, I got bored so here I am texting you.

Vanoss: Using me?

Del: Yup! Lol

Vanoss: You wanna Skype call, Del?

Jonathan pov:

Vanoss: You wanna Skype call, Del?
My eyes widened in shock. We do Skype calls, but mostly with the other guys. Plus, I can't find my dumb hockey mask. My dog came up to me, wanting me to pet him. I look at my dog then back at the message Evan had texted me.
Del: Yeah..um sure

Vanoss: Alright, cool.

I frown a little. He's one of my best friends maybe I should just show him my face. He wouldn't judge. Or would he? Ugh, why does this have to be so difficult? Why do I care of what Evan would think of me? I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I stared into my own blue eyes. I shrugged and messaged Evan.

Del: I can't find my mask...so

Vanoss: Oh...Del, why can't you just show me your face? I mean we're practically best friends.

Del: Um.....gtg

I turned off my phone. I already knew he was going to say something like that. He needs to understand though we're two different people. He's so perfect...and better looking than me. I'm just a scrawny guy while Evan is buff. I fall in bed, with phone in hand. Next, thing you know it, Evan calls me. Damn, what does he want? I was so close of not answering it, but I did anyways. "What?" I said in the phone. "Wanna play?" Evan says in a funny voice. I smile, "No...not really." Evan stays quiet for a moment then says, "Aye, can I ask you something?" It started getting hot in my room or maybe it was just me. My heart was beating fast as well..was I going to die or something? "Del? You still there?" I hear Evan say. "Yeah..yeah, I just had to go do something. Weren't you going to ask me something?" I said very sternly. "Are you okay? I mean I know you don't want to show you're face, but why can't you show me? You act so...strange sometimes." I opened my mouth to say something, but instead I end the call. Am I strange? I'm not trying to be strange. I close my eyes and sigh. My dog starts whining. I look at him and he stops. I look at computer and watched one of our old videos when we we're playing GTA V at the time. I smiled while reading people's comments. Then there was one comment that caught my eye. "Does anyone else still wanna know how delirious looks like?" I honestly don't know why it did but, it did. Again another comment caught my attention saying something about Evan and Me. I got hot all of the sudden and closed the tab.

Evan's pov:

"Del?" I say into the phone. I looked at my phone reading ENDED CALL. I rolled my eyes and gave out a sigh. I care for my friends and that's a fact but, when they don't tell me what's wrong with them, it pisses me off. Should I call him back, I thought to myself. I shrugged no at the idea, knowning Del wouldn't answer back. I should just leave him alone. He can't be acting like this way forever. He's Delirious. While in my train of thought, my phone vibrates. I read the name, and hatred fills up my heart. It was my ex-girlfriend. I quickly shut my phone completely off and started playing my guitar.

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