Ch 37 - Sex On a Desk

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Ashton's calls and texts became more frequent after his visit. Like, a lot more frequent. I felt like I always had my phone in hand, even when trying to work, cook, and so on. As much as I hated to admit it, it actually got a little annoying after a while. If I didn't answer, he'd resort to sending DMs on Twitter or even tweet cryptic statements to get my attention. It was a little much, but I tried to overlook it, because if that was the only flaw he had, I could tolerate it. I was in such a fortune position and I wasn't going to jeopardize it by being picky.

I was anxious about Valentine's Day. Not that I was going to be able to spend it with Ashton, but I had a feeling he was going to make a big deal out of it, and I had no clue how I could make it special for him.

I had to work that day, so I knew to expect the usual flowers from my kids, which my mom always sent because she's awesome like that. But I didn't expect the two dozen pink roses that showed up first thing that morning. The card simply said, "Will". I assumed they had to be from Ashton, because the only Will I knew was the happily married ER doctor. But the card didn't make sense. And I was even more confused when I didn't hear from Ashton at all that morning. Not one single message or phone call, which was very unlike him.

I did, however, receive a text from Michael.

From Mikey: i don't have a valentine so i'm telling all my favorite people happy Valentine's day, so... happy Valentine's day

To Mikey: That is so sweet. Glad to know I made your favorite people list. You're on my list, too. Happy Valentine's Day, Mikey. I hope you find someone special soon.

He deserved someone to share a special love with. I'd much rather see him be with one person who deserved his love than him being with one random girl after another, day after day.

It made my day that he took time to text me. I really had no idea he cared about me at all. It made me think back to our initial meeting, and I wondered if anything would have turned out differently if he hadn't been screwing someone when we were introduced. Ugh. I still hated to think about it.

But my train of thought was interrupted by a knock on my office door. It was partially open already, and I told the visitor to come on in. It was the same delivery guy who had delivered the roses earlier. He was holding the biggest box of chocolates I'd ever seen. There was a card attached, and like the first card, it had a single word written on it, but this one said "you".

I caught on to Ashton's little game. And I was curious to know what the rest of the question was going to be. Sure enough, an hour later another gift arrived. This time it was a huge stuffed gorilla. I guess gorillas aren't as loveable as a bears, but they're my favorite animals, and Ashton knew that. The card that came with the gorilla said "be". I was kind of relieved, because if it had said "marry," I would have pissed myself. We were so not ready for that.

By this time, my co-workers were giving me shit about all the gifts. They didn't know I was involved with anyone, and they couldn't get over it. They wouldn't leave me alone until I gave them details. So I told them his first name, and that he was a drummer I'd met on one of my trips to Chicago. And I prayed that they wouldn't Google "drummers named Ashton."

I still hadn't heard from Ashton, so I finally broke down and called him. Surprisingly, he didn't answer. I didn't think much of it. I just figured it was all part of his plan. And going by the cards, I thought I had at least one more gift coming to me. I was right.

The last gift came right before I was going to take my lunch break. My door was wide open this time, because there had been so many people in and out of my office. I heard someone clear their throat, and I turned to see who it was. The HR assistant, Addy, was standing there with a ridiculous grin.

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