Ch 31 - Touch Yourself

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Ashton kicked off his shoes and removed mine as well. Then he crawled up the bed and got settled, halfway hovering over me, resting his weight on his elbow. He nudged my legs apart with his knee and I willingly let him slide his leg between mine. I placed my hands under his shirt and he jumped slightly at the sudden coolness of my fingers.

"Sorry," I giggled.

"It's fine. I've been craving your touch so damn long," he said quietly, and closed his eyes while I lightly ran my hands up and down his sides.

"Me, too," I replied.

His eyes sprung open and his lips formed a small smile. He looked super complacent and I knew something facetious was coming. "Really? You crave your touch? Do you touch yourself when you think of me?"

I was dying on the inside, but wanted to show him that two could play that game. I removed one hand from the warmth of his skin and raised up on my elbow, which brought our faces centimeters apart. "Yes, I do. Do you touch yourself when you think of me?"

He didn't even flinch at my response. "All the fucking time." He gave me a hard, quick kiss. "But it feels so much better when you do it."

I took the hint and moved my hand to the tight bulge in his jeans. How there was any room in there for it in that condition, I'll never know. His eyes closed and his lips parted slightly when I moved my hand strategically. I asked, "Like this?"

"Fuck, yes."

Before he had a chance to enjoy it too much, I pushed him away from me and made him turn over so that I was straddling his thighs. He looked at me with wide eyes, surprised that I was taking the lead. To be honest, I surprised myself, because that's something I'd never done. But I'd decided that if I was going to go for it - if I was going to give us a shot - I was going to give it my all, mentally and physically. That way, if/when it failed, I'd have zero regrets.

I pulled my shirt off and dropped it onto the floor. He reached up to touch my breasts, but I took his arms by the wrists and put them back down on the bed. I shook my head and he looked at me quizzically. "Not fair. Yours is still on." I lifted his shirt up, slowly kissing the exposed skin as I did so. When it was finally on the floor with mine, I leaned down to kiss him. As I did, I reached down and unfastened those tight ass pants, giving him the freedom he was in dire need of. He lowered them enough to allow me full access, and I used my hand on him while I left kisses in various places.

I knew I was doing something right when he couldn't form a coherent sentence. "Aubree, I... sh-... oh god... fuck."

There's not much more of a confidence booster in the bedroom than knowing that you can give your partner such immense pleasure that they can't speak clearly. But I had to stop so that I could finish undressing us. I loved his expressions as he watched every move I made, especially when I finally settled over top of him and went for the kill.

While we recovered, it hit me how very deeply I'd fallen in love with Ashton. It was as though every cell in my body was drawn to him. I needed him. To never be with him again would be the same as taking away the air I needed to breathe.

I was finally ready to have that conversation with him. But there was something I had to know first. I was sure I knew the answer, but I wanted to hear him say it. It would be the one thing that would prove how much he wanted to be with me.

"Can I ask you something?"


I played with his chest hair while I asked, "I mean absolutely nothing by this, so don't take it the wrong way. I just want to know, have you been with anyone else since we were together last time?"

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