Ch 33 - Fangirl Bucket List

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In the end, we broke down and used the all access passes. But to do so as discreetly as possible, we slipped out of the crowd at the beginning of the last song. We didn't put on the lanyards until we approached security, and they let us by without question. I'm sure we didn't go completely unnoticed by some fans, but it happened so quickly, I hoped they didn't get a very good look at us. We had no idea where we were going, but pretended like we did, and eventually found the dressing room, which was labeled as such.

We wasted that few minutes waiting on the guys by taking some goofy pictures of ourselves in our costumes. We went ahead and posted a few, being careful to not give away that we were in 5SOS's dressing room.

Soon enough, we knew the guys were arriving by Michael's loud voice. We were lying on either end of the couch that was much too big for the not so big room. Whatever story Michael was telling must have been enthralling to the others, because he had their full attention, and it took several seconds for anyone to notice we were there.

Michael ended the story with "...I said no, it's a penis!" And they were howling with laughter. Except Ashton. He looked like someone had kicked his dog. That is, until he saw me.

"Aubree! I thought you'd left! Fucking hell, don't do me like that." He wasn't shy about jumping right on top of me, and giving me a wonderful sloppy kiss that left me wanting much more.

"Um, hello! I'm on this couch, too! Gross."

Just to get Traci riled up even more, Ashton kissed me again, and added some moaning for effect. She jumped off the couch quicker than I'd ever seen her move. The guys, on the other hand, thought it was hilarious.

He stopped with the PDA and stood up, offering his hand. "Let's get out of here."

I looked at Traci for permission, and she waved me on without a word.

When we left the room I asked Ashton where we were going. He said, "You'll see."

We rounded a corner to a hallway with a dead end and Ashton opened an unlabeled door. He went in first and shut the door behind us. I barely got a glimpse of what was inside the room before the door closed. It was a mess in there with boxes piled everywhere. I felt around for a light switch, but before I found one, Ashton grabbed behind my legs and picked me up.

"Ashton! What are you doing? Where are we?"

He pressed me against the closed door and kissed me eagerly. His kisses trailed down my neck to my breasts, which were far more exposed than usual with the outfit I was wearing. I lost my train of thought quickly, but was pretty sure I knew what we were doing at that point.

He eventually pulled away, and slowly released his hold on me so that I slid down and was once again standing on my own. Then he finally answered. "You remember that time we talked about things we wanted to do before we died, and you told me about your fangirl bucket list?"

Holy shit. "Yeah?" I answered slowly, though it came out as more of a question. I knew exactly where he was going, though. I just couldn't believe it.

I could barely see him, but heard the unmistakable sound of his pants being quickly unzipped. "Well, if I remember correctly, there's only one item left on that list, and I'm going to help you mark it off."

Yep. He went there alright. That item, "have sex with a band member backstage," was added to my list strictly as a joke. I never expected in a thousand years that I'd have the opportunity to mark it off. But lately I'd been learning that anything was obtainable.

He pulled my shorts and underwear down without even giving me time to respond. All I can say is that it was the most awkward yet exciting sex I'd ever had. Considering I'd never had sex outside of the bedroom, that's probably not saying a lot. But nonetheless, I felt lucky to be able to experience new things and get a little adventurous with Ashton. I was literally living every hardcore fangirl's ultimate dream. What even?

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