Ch 16 - Catch 22

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I woke up and immediately grabbed my phone before I even fully opened my eyes. If that's not a sign of obsession, I don't know what is. I squinted through one eye while it slowly adjusted to the glaring light. Rather than scrolling though my multiple notifications to look for a reply from Ashton, I impatiently opened up my Twitter app, taking the quickest route to my DMs. Sure enough, there was one. I sat up with my heart pounding in anticipation.

@Ashton5SOS: I'm so sorry I went MIA. I had to take care of something. Don't hate me please.

As if I could ever hate him. I had to get Molly ready and off to school, so I did that before I replied. I doubted he was up that early anyway.

@CliffordsCougar: No worries. I had stuff to take care of, too, I just didn't want to stop talking to you. Does that sound clingy? LOL

It was just after lunchtime when he answered.

@Ashton5SOS: You're probably the least clingy fan I ever met.

Fan. That confirmed that I didn't mean anything more to him that anyone else. While I was dwelling on that, he asked:

@Ashton5SOS: Are you busy?

@CliffordsCougar: Not at the moment. My little man is taking a nap. Why?

@Ashton5SOS: I want to talk to you about last night.

@CliffordsCougar: Sure. I'm all ears. Or eyes. LOL

@Ashton5SOS: Haha that's funny. But I mean actually talk to you. This typing thing takes too long for a real conversation. Would you be okay with giving me your number? If you don't want me to have it, that's cool. I just think it would be easier to talk.

Was he fucking serious?

@CliffordsCougar: Um, shouldn't you be the one worried about me having your number?

@Ashton5SOS: I told you I trust you.

I was already shaking as I sent him my number. He called me right away.

"Hey," I said when I answered the phone.

"Hi," he said with a nervous chuckle.

I couldn't help but be worried that something was wrong. Why else would he want to actually speak with me about whatever it was that had happened?

"So," he began, "how are ya?"

"I'm good. I can't complain about anything. How are you? Are you okay? Did something happen last night?" I realized I was already rambling and apologized. "Sorry. Just answer that first one. How are you?"

He chuckled again, but his words were more serious. "I'm fine as frog hair. I just need someone to talk to: someone who actually cares to listen."

"What's wrong?"

I heard him take a deep breath and sigh. "Last night, the whole time I was chatting with you, I was also texting with Brandi."

He paused, so I asked, "Okay. Is she alright?"

"Yeah, she's fine. It's just that when she asked me what I was doing, I told her that I was talking to you and she went crazy."

"Oh no. I'm sorry, Ash. The last thing I want is to interfere in your relationship." I felt it coming. He insisted on calling me because he wanted to be as nice possible when he told me that he wasn't going to talk to me anymore. I was already about to cry.

"No, babe, don't feel like that. It's not you. It's just the fact that I was talking to another female in general. When she asked who I was talking to, I answered honestly and told her how we met a few weeks ago when Cal hooked up with your friend. She kept asking if I fucked you, of course, and wouldn't believe me no matter how many times I told her no. She wouldn't drop it, so I called her. That's why I disappeared on you. I'm sorry."

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