Ch 19 - Nicknames

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Ashton was already standing next to me before I could even comprehend what was going on.

"Ashton. What are you doing here?" I asked. I wanted to add, "Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend?" But I didn't.

"Me? What am I doing here?" He asked, pointing at his own chest. His face was a little flushed, and by the tone of his voice, it was obvious that he was mad about something. "I'm looking for you. What are you doing here? I've only left you about ten voicemails. But I guess you're a little busy." I didn't miss the side glance he gave Michael.

I struggled to stand up after sitting on the floor for so long, (Don't laugh - You'll understand how difficult that is when you get older.) so that I could reach my phone, which I'd thrown onto the couch when I arrived. I discovered that I had inadvertently silenced it completely instead of putting it on vibrate mode. And sure enough, there were eight missed calls, as well as texts.

"Shit, Ashton. I'm sorry. It was silenced, and I haven't checked it since I've been here. I didn't think I'd have any reason to since both you and Traci were occupied. But I'm not the only one not answering my phone today, am I?" I matched his sarcastic/angry tone to let him know that he wasn't the only one who was pissed off.

When he saw that I was going to give him whatever attitude he gave me, he closed his eyes momentarily and visibly relaxed. Then he asked in an almost pleading voice, "Can we talk? Privately?"

This whole time Michael had been standing by the door, watching the exchange like a tennis match. He was now looking at me intensely, with his arms crossed, waiting for the next move. It would have been humorous, except there was something about Ashton's demeanor that kept me from laughing. I wasn't sure whether to be scared, anxious, or concerned. I suppose I was a little of each.

I didn't want to ditch Michael. Not only because it would be rude, but we were having such a good time. Not to mention, I was stubborn and upset with Ashton. But how could I turn down his request to talk? I couldn't do that to a friend, even if I was mad at them.

"Yeah, of course." I looked at Michael apologetically. "Um, Mikey, I don't want to be rude, but-"

"Pfftt, it's fine. It was fun while it lasted. Maybe we can do it again soon." He walked to me and gave me a bear hug, even lifting me off the floor.

As absurd as the thought was, I had the feeling he was trying to make Ashton jealous. And it must have worked, because when he kissed my cheek and didn't release me right away, Ashton cleared his throat.

Michael took the hint and stepped away from me and said, "Okay, you two run along now. I'll just play with myself. Er, well, you know what I mean."

I had to laugh that time. But Ashton didn't crack a smile. He placed his hand on the middle of my back and guided me to the door.

Michael waved and said, "Bye, Ashton. Bye, Bree."

As soon as we were out the door, Ashton turned to me and huffed, "Mikey? Bree? You two got so well acquainted that you already call each other by your nicknames? Nice."

I was speechless for a second. "What the hell? Are you serious right now? Everyone calls me Bree. So what?"

Ashton looked taken aback. "You never told me to call you Bree. What the fuck?"

He was talking so loudly I was afraid he was going to attract some unwanted attention. It did attract Corey's attention. It must have been his turn for hall patrol. He came around the corner where the elevators were, and when Ashton saw him, he told Corey everything was okay.

When Corey was gone, I spoke quietly, and placed my hands on Ashton's chest, hoping he'd calm down. I could feel his heart pounding. He was seriously worked up. And for what reason, I had no clue.

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