Ch 10 - Threesomes

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I don't know who was more embarrassed, Michael or me. Most likely me.

As if the situation couldn't get any worse, it was apparent what Michael was up to. "Up" being the key word in that sentence. Fuck my life, I was a mess. I was frozen, but luckily I was able to revert my eyes upward to meet his at the same moment he realized Ashton had company.

"Holy fuck, Ashton!" he said, hiding himself behind the door, then peering back around, but keeping his nether regions hidden. "What's so important?" he asked. His eyes darted back and forth between Ashton and me. I'm about 99% sure I forgot how to breathe during that exchange. But soon enough I was fighting off the giggles again.

Ashton hesitated a second, laughed and shook his head, then carried on as though everything was normal. "Michael, this is Aubree. Aubree, this is Michael."

Michael's eyebrows were furrowed, confused about the situation, but he nodded at me, acknowledging the introduction. I did the same as I covered my mouth, trying to keep my laughter at bay.

Ashton continued, "We've been hanging out while our friends are ... somewhere fucking I guess. Turns out, Aubree here is a Mikey girl. So, being the awesome person I am, I wanted to help her meet you."

If looks could kill, no doubt Ashton would have died that very second. Michael let out a short annoyed laugh. "Okay. Well thanks for the introduction, mate. And good to meet you, Aubree. Sorry you saw my dick. Now, if you don't mind, I'm..." his words trailed off and he actually smiled. It was an arrogant smile. And it was followed by a quick but obvious visual assessment of me. But it sure didn't make me feel the way I did when Ashton had checked me out earlier. It wasn't flattering at all. That's all it took for my giggles to disappear.

Then, Michael stepped out from behind the door, though he was covering his junk with both hands. "I mean, if you want to join us, come on in." He shrugged and stepped aside, making room for me to enter.

What I wanted to say was, "No, fuck you very much, jerk." And that surprised me. I'd always thought if I were given the opportunity, I'd be down for anything, in any situation, with Michael. But at that moment I was feeling rather disgusted. Thank goodness Ashton spoke up before I said something I'd end up regretting.

"Michael, come on, man. Don't be an asshole. She's been really cool and -"

Michael interrupted him. "Wait. Are you fucking drunk?"

Ashton rolled his eyes at him.

"You are, aren't you? Well, damn. It's about time you loosened the fuck up." Then he turned his attention to me and asked, "How'd you manage to get him drunk?"

Ashton waved him off before I could make sense of what he was asking me. "Never mind, Michael. Sorry for interrupting. I was just trying to be nice." He reached for the door handle, but Michael beat him to it, exposing himself again. But this time he wasn't shy about it.

"Anyway, the offer still stands," he said.

"I'll pass, thanks," I said, speaking for the first time, and making sure my eyes didn't wander from his.

Michael shrugged his shoulders and closed the door.

Before I could process what had just happened, Ashton was apologizing.

"Holy fuck, that didn't go the way it was meant to. I'm so sorry, Aubree." He sat down on the couch with his head lying on the back and his eyes closed.

I suddenly felt what I can only describe as a mixture of excitement, confusion, sadness and pissed off. I don't think there's a word for that. I was just overwhelmed by the whole situation. And it all came out in a fit of laughter.

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