Ch 9 - Come With Me

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I was thanking the alcohol gods at that moment, for I found the situation to be more humorous than humiliating, as my sober self would. I started laughing, and Ashton laughed back at me, still sitting there with his arms crossed.

"What's so funny? Or are you just that shit faced?" he asked.

I took a deep breath to calm my giggles. "I am most definitely that shit faced, dude. But I'm mostly laughing at myself because my worst nightmare is literally coming true at this very moment." I covered my face and laughed harder.

"I don't get it," Ashton said.

"Just promise you won't think I'm a weirdo, okay?"

"Okay, I promise. Because you're not." I cocked an eyebrow at him, and he asked, "Are you?"

"Depends on who you ask, I guess. So here's the deal: I'm a divorced mother of two, raising them on my own because their 'father' chose drugs and jail over them. But that's all good because I've never been happier, and I love being single. Like, it's just the best feeling being free to do whatever the hell I want. I'm a nurse, which I have a love/hate relationship with. I love music more than anything. I'm a bit of a concert addict. Traci is my best friend and enables my habit. I don't like myself very much for a multitude of reasons. Mainly because I'm too introverted, unless I'm under the influence, obviously. And, oh yeah, I'm a 21 year old living in a nearly 30 year old body. So... anything else you'd like to know?"

I knew I'd just ruined everything and he was going to run away as fast as he could. But he surprised me when he said, "He must have been a real dumbass, letting you get away."

"Um, well, he's a dumbass alright. A lying, cheating, manipulative, lazy bastard. Don't get me started, seriously."

"How old are your kids?" he asked, now leaning forward with his elbows on the table. If he was shocked by any part of what I just told him, he didn't show it.

"Molly is six, and my baby boy, Ashton, is three. I swear I didn't name him after you. He was born before I knew you existed. I'm not that obsessed." I held up a hand, pledging my innocence.

He grinned and said, "That's cool, though. Got any photos?"

What the fuck even? I couldn't believe he hadn't acknowledged my age. He was acting like it was perfectly normal to have a 29 year old fan with kids. I knew that was definitely not the norm. But I rolled with it.

I showed him a few pictures on my phone. He said the obligatory "aww, cute," etc. Though, they really are kind of cute. Just saying.

What I wasn't expecting was for him to say, "So I take it you're a Mikey girl."

"Wh- well, I mean, why do you ask?" How did he know? I hadn't even mentioned Michael.

He nodded to my phone. "Your lockscreen."

Oh. Duh.

"Ohhh. Yeah. I guess so." I tried to act nonchalant about it. I felt kind of bad. Not that he cared who my favorite was. But then my mouth took over and said what my brain was thinking. "Or he was, until I met you." I gave my sweetest genuine smile, though I probably looked goofy as hell seeing as I was drunk as fuck.

"That's sweet. But you don't have to say that."

"It's true!" I insisted.

Well, it was true, in a way. Ashton had always been my favorite as far as being the one I thought I'd get along with the best, or that I thought I could be good friends with. Michael was just my favorite to lust over.

There was a moment of silence and I couldn't stand it any longer. I had to ask. "Doesn't my age creep you out? Is it weird having a fan as old as me?"

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