Ch 18 - Sex With Michael Clifford

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Like those other girls, my instinct was to run... but in the opposite direction. But it would make the situation even more awkward if Ashton saw me. I tried to convince myself it was going to be okay. "You're just friends. It's no big deal. It'll only be awkward if you allow it to be."

The fans had their moment with the guys, but it wasn't long before Dave announced to the small group of girls that it was time to go. Though the girls backed off, they didn't leave. They stayed where they were and gawked at the boys as they walked in our direction. I was afraid Dave wasn't going to let the guys stop for us, but he did.

Naturally, Traci went straight for Calum. I saw them hug, but I didn't pay attention to what they said, because I was fixated on Ashton. As he walked toward me, nothing else existed in the world. I felt hopeful when our eyes met and he smiled. However, the look of recognition and smile on his face was quickly replaced by panic for a split second. But he quickly regained his composure when he walked past me and said, "Hi."

That was it. Just "hi." He didn't even stop. It was obvious that he was pretending to not know me. And I understood, because his girlfriend was with him. But it still hurt. It happened so quickly that I didn't even think to say hello back. I couldn't take my eyes off of him as he walked through the door that Dave was holding open. He let Brandi go in first, then he looked back over his shoulder at me long enough to mouth, "Sorry." And then he was gone.

"Hello!" Michael jolted me out of my trance. He walked up and held up his hand for a fist bump. Yes, a fist bump. I couldn't help but to laugh even though I felt like crying.

"Hey, Mikey. How's it going?"

"Good." He nodded his head. Then he cocked his head and put his hands on his hips. "This is going to sound like a really lame pick up line. But, do I know you?"

"Um, yeah, you could say that."

His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at me. It obviously wasn't registering why I looked familiar.

I decided to help him out. "Last month. Chicago. Ashton interrupted your hookup when he introduced us. You were naked. Then you asked me to join you. Does any of that ring a bell?"

"Oh, fuck. Yeah." He covered his face in embarrassment for a second, then said, "That wasn't one of my greatest moments. I'm guessing it's safe to say you're not a Michael girl now?" he asked with an awkward laugh, and even in the dim light, I could tell he was blushing. I was as well.

"Nope. Right now you're my absolute favorite." I wasn't lying.

"Really?" His face lit up and he looked so cute, almost childlike. "Cool. It's good to know you don't think I'm a total douchebag."

"Not at all."

Calum and Traci walked over to us and Calum said, "Hey. Nice to see you again."

"Yeah, you, too. Sorry if this seems kind of stalkerish." I was back in my I'm-too-awkward-to-speak-intelligently mode.

Thankfully, Dave saved me from saying anything else stupid. "Guys," he said on a gruff voice, letting them know it was time to go.

Michael said, "I guess that's our cue. Are you all staying here tonight?"

We both nodded.

"Cool. If you want to hang out, we're on the 7th floor. Dave or one of our other security guys will be camping out by the elevator, but I'll tell him we invited you. I'd say come on in with us, but there are people watching," he said quietly.

Calum looked down at Traci, then back to Michael. "Um, we're going to be busy, mate."

"Oh, okay. Well..." He looked at me and scratched the back of his neck. He looked nervous when he looked at me and said, "I guess it'll just be the two of us. Do you like video games? Or I'm sure we can find a movie to watch. It's your call. But please keep me company. It's still early and I have nothing to do."

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