20 facts about me

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I was tagged by GajeelReddfox to do the twenty facts about me. thank you!!!

1) I am Irish

2)I live in the capital

3)I'm nearly 6 foot

4) I cosplay

5)I love anime

6)I love to read and that's what I spirited me to write books

7)I have a dog and a guinea pig

8)I have blonde hair and blue eyes

9)I really like art and writing stories

10)I really like history and English

11)I'm obsessed with tea. It's not funny. I think I need professional help

12)I speak fluent English, a bit of French and I know a lot of Irish

13) is Brea liom at leamh ar wattpad

14) I have both a instagram and tumblr >>camarke<< you should check it out

15)I'm Catholic but don't act like it. If I go to church I'd probably burn

16)I love animals and I hope to work with them when I am older

17) my biggest fears are being alone and spiders

18)i can grunt like a pig without opening my mouth or use my nose.

19) I like never get sick, and if I do it means trouble

20)I love tattoos and piercings

Now I think I'm supposed to tag people so I tag








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