Childhood and Motherhood

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Written 18/8/2013

Childhood and Motherhood

Mrs Weasley stood and watched as her two sons, Fred and George, played happily in the meadow by their home. She had decided they needed to burn off some energy, they were driving her potty running around the house. The 3 year old twins ran around giggling in circles, trying to chase the other down. 'Fred....George pipe down now....not too loud.' She would keep saying, but they never listened. These two were a handful. She caught sight of something moving across the meadow from where she was. She squinted and saw two other small children playing on toy broomsticks. One girl, one boy, both weaving in and out of the long grass. The girl was squealing with joy as she 'flew' away from her brother. There was a house just behind them and just in view was another woman. It took Mrs Weasley a moment and then she remembered who lived there. The Diggorys. That other woman must of been her old friend Mrs Diggory. The children....She gasped....were Cedric and Anertha. She hadn't seen Lorelei Diggory since she helped name Anertha all those years ago. Motherhood had consumed them. Had it really been that long? She sighed a mournful sigh. She missed the friendship they had.

She straightened up and smiled, now was the perfect time to catch up. 'Fred! George! Come on....follow mummy.' She held out her hands to them, they just gave her a blank stare. She rolled her eyes. 'Move! Now!' The twins babbled something inaudible to her but ran merrily behind her. When she reached the Diggory house she found it much the same as before, but with the added children and the mess that ensues. 'Molly?' Came the cheerful and slightly relieved voice of Lorelei. The two woman greeted warmly as if no time had passed.

They watched as the four children played together. 'No Fred! Don't pull her hair!' Molly would keep shouting. Fred had taken a cruel interest in Anertha. Cedric would hit Fred with their fake brooms whenever he pulled her hair or pushed her. George would stand by the side giggling uncontrollably. 'I am so sorry!' Mrs Weasley would hastily say embarrassed. 'They are a handful.' Mrs Diggory thought nothing of it. 'Kids will be kids. Anertha is a tough cookie she will get her own back one day.' The pair of them laughed together. This was why Molly enjoyed her company, they knew it each other well and she hoped their kids would be the same. 'Fred! One more time and...' She stopped. Fred had been chasing Anertha around the garden and knocked her over laughing. He wasn't laughing now. Anertha stood up off the grass, put her nose in the air and pushed Fred right back with a childish satisfied grin. Fred was now sat on the grass in shock. The mothers didn't say anything for a few minutes. Then they giggled. 'I told you.' Mrs Diggory smiled. 'He deserved that.' Mrs Weasley grinned back. After they had dealt with their children it was time to part. 'Imagine....what if one day these two ended up together.' Molly smiled at this. 'Who knows.' She left the house happy and with the boys in tow made their way back to burrow. She just hoped as she settled on her sofa that evening that motherhood would not get in the way again, but just as before, it did....

Forever and always, until the end (Fred Weasley&Anertha Diggory) WattyAwards2013Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant