The Wedding

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Written 13/3/2013

The Wedding

Bill and Fleur's wedding was almost upon them. Everyone was helping prepare, all except Anertha, who had been sent to relax by Molly. Anertha hated doing nothing. It made her bored and cranky. So she filled her time, upstairs, making her own wedding dress for when her big day arrived, whenever that may be. Ginny came up after a while to check on her. 'Wow, it looks amazing.' She commented as she walked through the door. 'It's not finished yet' Anertha replied, taking the glass of water from Ginny's hand. Molly was often handing her water. 'You have to stay hydrated' she would smile when Anertha moaned. 'It's gonna look great on you.' Ginny complimented. Ginny was like a sister to her. She felt very protective of her. 'You can go and tell your mother I'm fine, just like i was an hour ago.' With that Ginny left. Anertha made her way downstairs later that afternoon out of sheer boredom, she was stunned by how great it all looked. 'Don't go getting ideas,' George appeared behind her, 'Fred's already said he wants nothing fancy. Of course i told him he'd lose that battle, but just in case he doesn't.' She laughed. 'Oh, he'll lose' she winked. 'What will i lose?' Fred asked as he came through the doorway. 'Nothing' George chuckled as he left. Fred looked at his fiancée for answers. She just shook her head. Fred shrugged and kissed her gently. 'You look bored.' 'Really? Do i? Can't possibly think why.' She replied in a sarcastic tone. 'Mum's right though, you shouldn't be running around in your condition.' Fred smiled reassuringly. 'I'm pregnant, not crippled' she scowled. She was getting tired of the constant worrying from everyone, did she really look useless? Ok so she was huge and couldn't really move around a lot but she was still able. Fred simply smiled at her and kissed her forehead before turning away and joining the rest of the Weasley boys outside.

Bill and Fleur's wedding went perfectly, Fleur looked beautiful. Fred was still complaining it was all too fancy, until he caught Anertha's eye and stopped. 'Dance?' He held out his hand trying to diffuse her annoyance. They only danced a short while before chaos erupted. Kingsley's warning gave them all some head's up but not enough. Death eaters soon appeared. There was fighting everywhere within seconds. Fred looked around frantically for George and found him next to Ginny, protecting her from a death eater. Fred pulled his pregnant wife to be behind a set of tables in the corner. 'You're to stay put. Just this once do as you're told.' He told her as he looked into her eyes. She was going to argue, he saw it in her eyes, but she instead nodded and put a hand on her bump protectively. Fred did the same. Before he stood back up to fight, there was a loud crash as George was thrown over the stack of tables and landed with a thump beside them. 'Ow' he groaned as he righted himself. 'George, you ok?' Fred looked concerned. 'Yeah, yeah, these death eaters are nothing. Although fighting with one ear has its difficulties, balance mainly.' Fred couldn't help but laugh. It went silent in the tent. 'KIDS!' Came Molly's frantic cry. The twins stood tentatively to find Mrs Weasley counting heads. All death eaters gone. The tent looked a mess though. Molly caught sight of the twins. 'Fred! George! Thank goodness. That's everyone, i think...' She took another look. 'No, where's Anertha?' Fred jumped, he had almost forgotten she was on the floor. He helped pull her up from the ground. 'Here' he smiled. 'All ok?' Molly asked everyone. 'No more ears lost?' The family shook their heads, except George. 'Not cool mum.' He frowned.

The morale in the tent was low. Molly and Arthur were concerned over Ron, Harry and Hermione who had apparated to safety. Bill was comforting a distressed Fleur, this was not the way to end a wedding. Fred stood with Anertha in his arms as they watched Bill guide a shaken Fleur back into the house. 'We're not getting married until after the war' Anertha stated. Fred nodded in agreement as he held her tighter.

It had been a month since the wedding. Feelings were still up in the air. Despite Fred and George's best efforts they couldn't lift the morale. They had heard nothing from the trio and from what they were hearing people were disappearing more and more frequently. Molly didn't let anyone out of her site if she could help it. She spent most days preparing Anertha, she was due any day now. George would wind Fred up about it. Only Molly seemed to have gotten her head around Fred becoming a father. Even Fred hadn't, he didn't see it in his plans just yet. But here he was, about to become one. He was petrified, he always assumed, like most of the family, that Bill would be first. 'I'm not ready for this Bill.' Fred confided in his older brother one evening. 'Sure you are. Granted you got more growing up to do but you love Anertha, yes?' Fred scowled. 'Stupid question, I'm marrying the woman.' Bill smiled. 'Right then, you're ready.'

Forever and always, until the end (Fred Weasley&Anertha Diggory) WattyAwards2013Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin