Chapter Seven

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Danielle looked down at the stormtroopers, then the armor plates on her suit began turning white, and soon she was a fully-equipped stormtrooper in front of them. "If anyone comes down here, I’ll be here to make sure they don’t get onboard," she told them with the monotone voice of a stormtrooper.

Han nodded, taking his blaster from his chair. "We’ll let you know when we’re out."

Danielle nodded, taking one of the stormtroopers’ BlasTech blasters and stationed herself down by the ramp. She waved everyone out, and as Han, Luke, Chewbacca, Obi-Wan, Threepio, and Artoo left, she stood in a perfect guard position. She heard Han mutter "I can never get used to that," and she smirked her satisfaction.

Good to know she could still creep her captain out when she wanted to.



Han held up a hand when they arrived at the office overlooking the Millennium Falcon. He looked the door over a couple of times, then scoffed. "No problem."

"What’re you going to do?" Obi-Wan asked.

Han looked back him. "I was planning on going inside."

"Captain Solo, the controls are right there," Threepio pointed out primly, pointing to the control panel on the left side of the door.

Han scoffed. "It’s going to be locked, Goldenrod." He tapped a few places on the door softly, then nodded. "See you on the other side."

Before anyone could say anything else, Han ducked and stepped through the door.

He blinked in the sudden light, then heard two startled yelps of surprise. He dropped to the ground quickly as blasters fired above him. He raised a hand, sucking the fire from the fired shots and swirling it back at the two officers. They screamed in shock, then fell to the ground.

Han panted, then sucked the fire back into his hand. He clicked the controls on the door, and he watched as it slid open.



"Won’t people be suspicious when they see burned officers here on the ground?" Obi-Wan asked, looking over the officers as Luke entered the room and looked around.

"Of course they will be," Han snorted. He waved out the window. Danielle gave a short nod from where she was standing and she ran out of view. "Who wouldn’t be?"

Wisely, Obi-Wan didn’t comment.

Danielle entered the office, turning back into her normal form. She closed the door behind her, then looked over at Han. "Now how do we get off of this thing?"

"Good question," Han replied.

Artoo beeped thoughtfully, then rolled over to a socket in the wall. He used an arm to plug himself in, and photos began flashing across the screen.

Obi-Wan leaned down to look closer. "The beams aren’t controlled from here," he said. "There are seven, but only one disruption will let the Falcon go free."

"Who’s going?" Danielle asked, tying her hair into a braid over her shoulder.

"Just me," Obi-Wan replied. "You all stay here where it’s safe."

"When do we ever do something safe?" Han muttered under his breath, but he plopped down into one of the command chairs.

Luke opened his mouth to complain, but a voice in his head stopped him. "He knows what he’s doing. Best let him do it."

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