Chapter Four

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Danielle looked from Luke to Obi-Wan, then made a decision. "I’ll leave you here," she whispered, stepping back. "You’ll see me around sometime soon, I bet."

"I hope so. You’re the only one like me I’ve met."

Danielle threw a smirk at Luke. "Trust me. There are more." She spread her arms, and she got a firm grip on all of the metal on her armor. "You just have to know where to look."

She lifted herself into the air and took herself back to the Falcon. She landed firmly. "Beast?" she called.

Chewbacca looked out of the cockpit and barked softly. "I’m here," she translated in her head from what Han taught her.

"I was wondering if you could do something for me," she told him.

Chewbacca cocked his head before grunting. "What can I do?"

"Is there any way you could build a device, large or small that could fit in the Falcon, that could sense mutants, humans, or any Force-sensitive being in the galaxy?" she asked.

Chewbacca scratched his head, whining. "That would be tricky."

"Is it possible?" she asked.

Chewbacca shrugged, whining more. "If I had the time."

"How long would it take?"

Chewbacca thought, then barked a reply. "If I had a design, I could tell."

"It doesn’t have to be complex. It just needs to be able to sense the being and give me an idea on where that being is."

Chewbacca thought some more, then nodded, grunting his reply. "If we get started now, we might have it done in about two days."

Danielle smiled. "Beast, you’re the best."

Chewbacca barked again, then began urfing in laughter. Danielle grinned, following Chewbacca up the ramp.

Hopefully, Han didn’t have any idea what she would be attempting.


Luke drove his landspeeder up towards Mos Eisley, shaking his head slowly. Oh, how his life had changed recently.

He had met another mutant just like him – a three-way mutant – yesterday. In that time, he had learned that his father had served as a Jedi Knight during the Clone Wars, along with his mentor, Obi-Wan. The message Artoo had delivered was asking Obi-Wan to take secret plans for an Imperial station to Alderaan, and Obi-Wan had asked Luke to join him. Luke had rushed home, only to find that his aunt and uncle’s homestead had been burned to the ground. He had later found out why: the Jawas that had sold Artoo and Threepio to him had been tortured by Imperial stormtroopers and killed. Now they would be hunting Luke.

So Luke had done the obvious thing: he had agreed to go with Obi-Wan and learn how to be a Jedi. Of course, he had taken the droids with him.

Now, as they were stopped by a stormtrooper patrol, he was wondering if that had been such a good idea.

"How long have you had these droids?" the commander asked.

Luke shrugged. "Three or four seasons?" he replied.

It was a dead lie. And the commander seemed to know that. "How about we see some form of identification?" he asked.

Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes. "You don’t need identification," he told the commander.

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