«Not completely crystaled»

Comenzar desde el principio

"Look! The bell is ringing!" I blurted out nervously. He raised an eyebrow and crossed his strong arms. "No it's not." He narrowed his grey eyes at me.

Suddenly the bell rang.

"Yes it is!"

I sarcastically look over at my shoulder and look at an imaginary sign on the grass I have created with my mind. "Welcome to Hogwarts school." I whispered to myself vaguely, but Jame's sonic hearing caught my words and his weird look on me signaled me so. I raised an eyebrow and sheepishly upped my shoulders- "What?" I weezed. He just signaled me to follow him; and that's what I did.

I followed his fancy ass to the inside of the antique looking school, the guards from before stepped aside as they caught sight of me.

There were really self-explanatory paintings up on the walls, you could tell they must've cost a billion dollars. Not even half of what I would like to make in a future, I want to be rich. And have a mansion bigger than a mansion. But I will have to work my ass for that, and that is something I will be able to do.

In the middle of my self encouragement to work hard for what I want. I hear James call out my name- "Lapis!" he snapped me out of my trance- "I was talking to you." He clasped his hands and sighed. He swings the bothering hairs off his forhead, his grey eyes seemed tired today, some eye bags were noticeable from afar. I catch up to his pace and walk besides him this time, stareing at the faded circles around his eyes.

"Sorry, I was spaced out. What were you saying?" I asked, trying to seem politely as possible. I am easily distracted and this can be a bothersome for quiet a while, just until it becomes a routine for someone else.

"It wasn't even that important. But just the things you need to be noted about, you're in my group." He smirked and pointed at himself- "So it would be much easier for you to not get lost in here."

"That's great news." I smiled, suddenly; I feel a slim yet strong shoulder shove mine. It almost felt like it was on purpose.—I see James smiling behind him, he even has one small dimple on his right cheek.

"Hey Pearl!" He waved, I didn't bother to look back. I didn't want to get kicked in the face on the first day of school already. "That's Pearl, she's on the top 10, I still don't know why she isn't higher than Dash though."

Pearl. James. Dash. Okay, I sense something here.

He stops me at the front of a wooden elevator, a old man with a fancy grey jacket stood at the left corner of the place. "Second floor please." James politely said to the gentlemen standing with us. His gloved finger pressed a button and the machine began to rise.

"Who's Dash?" I looked at him with curiosity.

"He's my red friend since fourth grade. He's awesome, I have a feeling you two will get along very well." His eyes sparkled at me and so did the grin on his lips.

Why did I hear evil in his voice?

"He was about to be number one. But a girl already beat him up to that." He sighed, looking up at the red numbers on the screen while he falls in to a noticeable trance.

"What girl?" I say as the doors open and right at front was a see through door. The stressful boy placed a motivated hand on my hip and walked me inside the spacey classroom, he seems like the boy that goes from Confident to self conscious. His light eyes also reflect his mood- I noticed his circles weren't there anymore. It seems like his expression changes from his state of mind at the time.

His hand was still on my hip, there was no intentional grip, just an innocent placement of hand. It still made my left leg stiff a slightly bit, the form of his hand was big and it had a rough look. He could even become a hand model.

"Peridot Kiyoko. She always has a competition on the week. She is the best of the best." He said as he motioned me to an empty seat. His luxurious body twirled to sit next to me.

"So she's all brains?" I giggled, but this action made his eyes enlarged, like my giggle was threating him.

"Not just that. She's the "leader" of the Crystal gems. Her tiny image and big brains may seem harmless, but she broke Jasper's nose twice ,twisted Pearl's heel last year and had an ugly fight with Dash at a pizzeria." He sighed.

Okay? Mrs. Kiyoko, remind me to step away from you.

"With Dash? Isn't Dash a boy?" I ask as I put down my book bag besides me. He rests his flawless face over his big, delicate yet long and rough hand tiredly, his eyes seemed to tire as well. The dark color was forming under his eyes once more.

"Oh trust me, she doesn't care."

"Is she bad news?" I ask, brushing my blue hair with the tip of my fingers a bit. Then I brush it up to a pony tail and hold my hair up. I fanned my face with my hand and glanced at the half empty classroom.

"Is it hot in here?"

"Yes and yes."


I'm sorry for this very boring chapter, but wanted to update because I didn't want you to think it was on hiatus or something.

I changed the name and cover.
Thanks to Hayley Kiyoko's song; Cliffs edge ✔💦👌

Makes my ears bleed Lapidot each time I hear it.

Ok so I promise the next chapter will be more specific and detailed. I was going to introduce Jasper and Pearl again but it would take me a while, so I decide to do that in the next one.

Remember: This book won't be updated daily, it may take a while for next chapters. Two weeks or so.

(Errors will be fixed in the future)


The Cliff's Edge: A Lapidot Highschool AU FFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora