Chapter 9. The Hogwarts Kitchens

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Fred, George and I came up with the best prank. I'm not telling you too much but, it involves fire and chocolate. By the time we were done planing and getting everything we would need for the prank, (which we will start after the twins finish the chocolates.) it was already dinner time. "Well, I think I'm going to go get some food. I'll see you guys later?" I said. "Alright, see later." George said and I started to leave. I should probably tell you where we went, we went all kinds of places but this place is where we will meet in the future. You have to walk three times to get into the room and you have to think about the room. Then a door appears and you open it and boom! Here is the pranking room. (That's what I call it.)

"Wait Mary!" Fred said running over. "What?" I asked taking my hand off of the doorknob and turning around. "Do you really want to sit and eat in that noisy hall? Where you have to see that toad while your eating." He asked, George was now standing next to him, they shared a grin and looked at me. "You mean Dumbridge the toad? I do try and not look at her when I'm trying to eat my meal, she's not a very nice thing to see when you trying to keep your food down, not up." I said. "I think we should show young Dragonclaw where the real magic happens, don't you Fred?" Said George looking at his twin. "George, I was thinking the same thing. Come along Miss Dragonclaw!" With that the twins left the room, I had no choice but to follow. 

"Where are we going?" I asked as I ran next to them. The twins were running though the halls and down stairs and we passed the doors to the great hall, I could hear the cutting of forts and knifes and the hitting of goblets as they were set down onto the tables. "You'll see." George said over his shoulder. "Here we are!" Fred said brightly as we came to a stop I front of a painting, the painting was of a bowl of fruit. "Ummm, where are we goi -" I stopped talking when Fred tickled the pear and it giggled and the painting swung open revealing a door. "Cool right?" George said as he and his twin opened the door and stepped though it.

"Yes." I said. "Welcome Mary.... To the Hogwarts kitchens!" Said the twins together as they spread they're arm wide beside them. "Hello Miss. What may I get you?" Said a house elf, she was wearing a apron with flowers on it. "Could you get me something to eat and drink? Anything will do." I said. "Sure! I get right on it." And with she hurried away. I looked around, there were at least a hundred house elves here. I saw a small table and went and sat down. "Master and Master Weasley, what can I get for you?" Another house elf asked the twins. "Whatever Mary over there is having please." Replied Fred. "Sure." Said the elf and he went the same way the other had. "Hello." I said to a house elf that was wearing mismatched socks and pants and a tie. "Oh, hello!" He said coming over. "What's your name?" I asked him with a smile. "Dobby." He replied. "Nice to meet you Dobby. I'm Mary Dragonwood." I said and held out my hand, he shook it.

"Dobby must be going now miss, very nice meeting you!" Said Dobby and he started to walked toward a fireplace at the end of the room. "Bye Dobby!" I yelled after him with a smile on my face. "Here you are, is there anything else I can get you miss?" Said the house elf who put food and a drink in fount of me. "No thank you this will do." I said and the house elf hurried off and brought back more food and placed it in fount of the twins who were sitting across from me. "Thanks." They said together and after they assured the house elf that they had enough food, the elf left again. "This is amazing! I never knew where this place was." I said as I took a sip of my drink, it was pumpkin juice. "We know. We come down here when ever we need stuff for our party's." Said Fred as he are some chicken. The house elf had brought us chicken with mashed potatoes, green-beans and corn.

~*~*Later on in the dorm~*~*~

"It feels strange without Isabella, but I'm glad she doesn't share a room with us anymore. Now she doesn't have to live with 'mad people' as she calls us." Said Josefine. We were all lying on our beds. I was reading a book as was Rosalie, Luna was reading The Quibbler and Josefine was playing with a ring thy she always wears. "I think I'm going to go to sleep now. Night everyone." I said and put my book on my bedside table and pulled the hangings the were around my bed shut, I was not in the mood to talk about my lost ex-best friend. She betrayed me, I thought I knew her but now I realize that I didn't at all.

I never forgive what she did to us and I don't ever want to talk to her again. With that thought in mind I drifted off to sleep.


Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter, but I'm having a sleepover with my cousin tomorrow and I have to go and pack for it. I'm not sure when I'll be able to update again but I'll try to soon.

Have a great weekend everyone!


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