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Imagine laying next to your crush Dean, and he rolls over and hugs you in his sleep.

His candy apple green eyes that you get lost in
His dusted freckled cheeks and sharp jawline that you swear you could get a paper cut if you slapped it hard enough
His gorgeous full lips that you try so hard not to kiss seconds into laying your love struck eyes on them.
The way his hair fell perfectly into place when his tender fingers swipe through it.
His perfect smile that could light up even the darkest reaches of space.
Basically any feature on his face you loved. In fact in your eyes he was perfection, he was all you ever wanted. Unfortunately in your own eyes you found yourself inadequate, the second choice, in other words someone that wouldn't even cross his mind.

Being Dean's best friend since you were in primary school age did have some positives, like he trusted you with his life, you share the same hinting skills, you sometimes did make him laugh which to you was a real privilege ,when he did automatically brightened your day. You were close enough to know each others secretes. But there were also
repercussions as well.
Like you were best friends, that what he thinks of you, nothing else. You had to put up with all the gorgeous girls and woman he would bring home with him.
The way he'd kiss them or snuggle up to them
the way he looks at them with lust and a cute smile that proved it.
The way he'd flirt with them like there was no tomorrow.

It was obvious
You were madly and hopelessly In love with your best friend. But you knew by a fact that he didn't think of you that way or love you back in any other way but a friend.
Well that's what you thought.

One night, just an ordinary night like any other day being exhausted you booked into the closest motel after scamming them with your fake id and credit card. And went to the only room that was open which unfortunately only had two beds for the three of you.  The blue carpet clashed with the patterned red bed covers. Although you liked the plaid wallpaper that covered every angle of the room. It suited the winchesters.

You dump your back pack on the dining chair by the crappy wooden table by the window with outdated curtains. Strolling in observing the room like your a judge of a beauty pageant. Sam jokingly dibs the first bed practically prancing and stumbling onto it like a clumsy moose before spreading out sighing.  It was even more Unfortunate that Sam's head hit the pillow too late and he was out like a light before it could make contact. Before you know it his light snoring began. You roll your eyes in jealously that he was able to fall asleep that fast. Your attention was grasped as you remember the fact that there was only one bed left and there was two of you. You look at Dean who was dumping his stuff on the side of the bed and slumping onto it.

You pull your pillow off the bed and lay it on the small rug to the side of the bed. You drop down on your back and attempt to sleep on the rug before a familiar voice catches your attention because it was the voice you heard nearly everyday but you couldn't call yours. It was Dean. You sit up just able to see his green eyes staring at you in confusion.
His eyebrows furrow making him even more sexy then you thought he could possibly get. 

" (y/n) ? What are you doing?" Dean questions.
" just going to sleep, why?" You explain honestly.
" why are you on the floor, there's a bed right here" Dean taps the empty side of the bed inviting you up. Your heart skips a beat as you pick up your pillow and stands up nervously. Dean  takes your pillow and shoves it into the bed frame before turning to his side and mumbling just loud enough to hear.

" night" before silence consumes the room. You blush as you lay next to him facing the other way. Your hands in front of your stomach. It took your body about ten minutes to adjust as your heart rate slowed enough that sleep slowly became an actual option as you did have a big day. As you drift off to sleep you close your eyes dreaming about what isn't but could be, your overcome with a soft warm embrace of arms. As your eyes open puzzled you gaze upon two strong arms that you recognise.

You smiles in awe and disbelief as he had turned around in his sleep and snuggled up close to you. His face kissing distance you blush as your dream was momentarily coming true. As you sigh knowing he didn't know he was doing it you gently try and move him but his grip gets more cozy and his hands slide down your arms before intertwining with your soft fingers. Your cheeks heat up as they now copy the colour of the bed covers. You smile as you curl up accepting that he won't remember anyway. As you turn your head you see a small smirk on his lips. This made you blush even more. He was sexy even sleeping. You rest your head on the pillow softly as you fall asleep savouring the moment that you thought you'd never get. When you thought things couldn't get any better Dean mumbles in your ear.
" love you" he mumbles as he squeezes tighter , his head into your shoulder blade. You smile as you fall asleep hoping he won't remember it.

The morning sun shone through the slightly misted window. Your eyes open slowly as you adjust to the now brightly lit room. As your brain wakes up you remember about last night and turn over slowly. In your surprise Dean was out of bed sitting at the dining table on his laptop. You sit up sleepily scratching your head before smiling at him.
" morning Dean" you comment
" oh....hey ( y/n) " he smiles before looking back at his screen with a serious tone. You stand up before shuffling to the bathroom for a shower. You are halted by a deep voice asking you a question.

" you know........I didn't hear a response last night..." He chuckles cheekily.
This forced your face to heat up and blush as a small smile pulled at your mouth. You turn around slightly confused of his asking.
" I'm sorry?.....I don't understand.." You were cut of by the squeak of Dean's chair gliding backwards as he stood up. He then preceded by walking up to you and holding your chin to his view. His fingers were rough but gentle.

" let me phrase this for you properly..." He stares into your eyes the exact way you've always wanted, his eyes gripping you tight and pulling you into his never ending galaxies that you swore must live inside. his hands gently glide up holding your cheeks softly. As your heart melted you see his eyes grow closer and closer as your eyes close slowly, before you knew it he captured your soft lips in his lovingly.

As he pulled away

You smiled.

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