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Imagine being dumbed by your boyfriend and Sam comforts you.

"FINE!" You yell at the door before slamming it angrily. You were filled with hate screaming at the door more than your boyfriend.
"FINE" was the last mumble from outside in the angry manly voice before a car engine revved and disappeared. Your left gasping and panting heavily still staring at the door. Your brows furrowed and your face boiling your eyes stare into nothing as you adjust to what just unfolded. You stand there for about five minutes in pure rage. Not knowing what to do with yourself anymore. You decide to take your rage out on inanimate objects because at least they won't piss you off or fight back.  You kick your leg out forcefully behind you hitting the stump of your table in your hotel room. The table flips over crashing against the hard wooden floor. You huff as you grunt gripping the backrest of a chair and swinging it at the wall before it bounces off and hits the bed on the other side of the room. Your hands swipe the paperwork filled desk of his research as well as yours and I topples to the floor after floating everywhere like confetti. After your small tantrum your heart rate slows enough that you don't scream at a pencil falling off the table after you were the one that knocked it.  Your thoughts are now flooding with memories and heartbreak. Your body shakes, as your breathing shallows before a lump in your forces it's way up your throat. Your lip quivers violently as your hands automatically curl up in front of your mouth. Your eyes sting as unwanted tears start to form and trickle down your burning cheekbones. You gasp in short breaths trying to keep yourself from falling into a billion pieces on the floor. Unfortunately perfect timing caused another knock on the door. You force yourself to pull yourself together as you fan your face to cool off wiping your eyes clean and straighten your shirt. You walk to the door opening it calmly. Sam stands there oblivious to your heartbreak with a smile.

" hey (Y/N) thought I might drop by to..." He sees your puffy cheeks and observes the demolished room making his smiles turn to frowns. His expression automatically shrinks to serious concern as his hands lower before looking back at you.

You turn around uncomfortably before curling up trying not to break, that's the thing you were most not wanting to do, break down in front of your best friend. He steps in trying to figure out what was wrong. Your stomach tightens again as you hug your own stomach facing away from Sam who was now worried about you and taking a few steps towards you. The lump in your throat returned as your face started to burn and once again your tears threatened to spill. Your body starts pulsing through shaky breaths as you try desperately not crumble under the tonne of bricks that you felt smack you in the face.

Sam's worried puppy face appears as he places a hand on your shoulder gently as he realises something was seriously wrong. He knew by the way you were covering up and trying to hide it that it was something truly heartbreaking. As you turn around you stare up into his eyes. The second his eyes each yours, you shatter letting everything out.

You gasp frantically trying to explain our hands shake as the lift to your mouth again. Your lip quivers even more as your eyes well up. You gasp consistently as the lump in your throat somehow stole your speech.

" my...gasp* I......Sam......I *gasp........." You couldn't finish as you burst into tears. Sam protectively pulls you close wrapping his arms around you hugging you tightly before rubbing your back soothingly. He gently lays his chin on your head as it buries into his red flannel tears staining it.

"Hey......shhhhhhhhhhh...it's ok...Im right here......I got you" he calmly whispers still gently rubbing your back. As you choke on your tears and the lump in your throat you gasp. Sam pulls your face up to his view with his puppy eyes.

" ( y/n) look at me....hey?....look at me......breathe......" He instructs stroking your face. You follow his directing and takes some deep breathes. You calm down a little before crying again. Sam pulls you close again stroking your hair lovingly trying to comfort you.

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