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Imagine: meeting Sam and Dean for the first time at the local library.

Being a book worm was full of surprises, with your study in university you basically spent your whole days apart from your lectures in the library. The library was very open and had dark blue carpet and wooden bookshelves. You take your usual rout past the myths and folk law, then the fictional Isle then the children's area before getting to your research area for art studies. You scan through the books with your head tilted before picking your books and sitting at a small desk near a window and begin writing little notes in your journals. Hours past and you finally finish your studies so you pack your books up like usual. Your legs stick to the chair as your stand up. Your short red skirt just hitting your knees. Your white shirt tucked in and your dark blue tie hangs down. You hold your books against your chest as you casually stroll up back past the isles going about your day. You sneak past the kids playing happily in the children's books sitting on the couches with their parents reading out to them. You take a short cut through the nature section to bypass a long line of people waiting to borrow books. As you holt at the fictional myths first isle you are distracted by a myth book that you've always loved. You struggle to keep hold of the books you already have as your hand extends out grasping it and pulling it to your view. As you go to wander off your attention is taken by the sound of a low deep surprisingly hot voice tunnelling through the small gap in the bookshelf. You lean down peering through to see a dark brown leather jacket and blue jeans. You move your gaze to find another man slightly younger with scruffy brown hair. You accidentally overheard there conversation.

" sammy, what is this thing called again?"

The shorter one standing in a position that you assumed was slightly annoyed and confused. Considering you couldn't actually see his face, his actions were all you based it off. The taller one, who you thought was kinda cute shifted to the bookshelf to the left and reaching for a book.

" Dean, I told you before, there called 'zana' there mythological beings that occupy vulnerable children's imagination and appear as an imaginary friend that only they can see, to help them through difficult times."

He puffs looking slightly frustrated. His fingers run across the multiple books on the myth shelves. Unfortunately the shorter man in the leather jacket moved and is now blocking your view. You decided to seek out who these two mysterious men were by sneaking to the end of the isle and peering around. Not to draw any attention to yourself you calmly strut past their isle glancing quickly at them and disappearing into the opposite Isle. You stop leaning against the bookshelf gasping and blushing bright red as you are over come with lust. You finally had a glimpse of the leather jacket man. He was the most attractive man you have ver seen. Short spiked dark blonde hair, candy apple green eyes and lightly freckled face. You keep your calm as you move another book called supernatural, you didn't want the book you just moved it out of the way to get a closer look at the sexy guy that you now couldn't get out of your head. As you peer through the hole. To your amusement you could now see the attractive mans face properly. He was smirking as a huge grin appears on his face. You blush as your face heats up. His smiles was contagious as your lips part as well. You hug the book as your eyes start growing pink love hearts. His smiles was the most gorgeous thing you've ever layer your eyes upon. His lips were so pink and soft that you just had the erg to collide yours into them. You continue listening to their conversation in hope of finding out who this 'dean' was.

" so, these guys are imaginary friends."

Dean chuckles smirking as his eye brow lifts into a position that automatically made him ten times hotter than he already was. You watch as they take the book and head around to your Isle. As they turn the corner casually un aware of your presence. You panic standing up shoving the book into the wrong place causing three other books to topple into your arms and onto the floor. This causes you to loose your footing. As the two men wander into your Isle they notice you on the floor with books surrounding you. You blush feeling embarrassed that you just made a fool of yourself. The shorter guy rushes to your aid picking the books up before the taller one helped you to your trembling feet. Dean smiles as he passes the books to you before looking at one of them and his eyes widen. You don't realise the books you picked up because you were too busy admiring his perfect face up close and personal. You fight your natural instinct to kiss him as you smile awkwardly taking the books. He keeps one looking up at you before showing you the cover.

" Greek myths huh?"

He smirks. You keep your cool and nod as if he wasn't mr perfection.

" I hope you don't mind but could I just borrow this for a bit, just to find out something, this is the book I was looking for"
his low sexy masculine voice turning you on at every syllable. You instantly nodded as he smiles nods in appreciation and walks back down the isle with the taller one who's name was apparently 'sammy'. You stumble putting the books back now thanking God that out of every book in the entire friggen library the one that falls into your arms the one book he was looking for! You smiles in excitement before following the boys to a small table in the corner of the library. They both sit down opening their laptops and the book before writing down some notes. You watch from afar as they work. Constantly staring at Dean gasping in your sexiness over load tone as his jacket is stripped off revealing his black shirt but more importantly toned arms. Your heart skips a beat as your face goes crimson. You skid across a few isles getting closer before stopping only meters away behind them. You hit a bookshelf making a loud creek. Dean obviously to your demise turns to the noise. You duck behind hoping to God that he didn't just see you spying on him. Your breathing increases as you crawl to another Isle looking behind you hoping for Once that you won't see his beautiful face. And yes you describe HIS face as Beautiful. You stand up peering through another shelf back at the boys who both were still at the same table. Dean was chuckling. Sam closes his laptop as he takes the book but Dean snatches it out of his hands and it falls out of view for a moment. The two boys get up putting there jackets on and head towards your direction. You think for a second on a plan to act busy like you didn't just spend the last ten minutes stalking them. You take a book from a shelf and dart off to a couch by the door. You jump and sit in a crossed leg position as flip to a random page and turn on your intense reading face acting like you heavily involved in the book.

As Dean approaches you with a smile you wait for him to clear his throat purposely to get your attention until you act like you didn't notice he was there. You look up at the two men before smiling. Dean smiles warmly holding the myth book out. You take it smiling at him.

" oh yeah, I forgot, thanks" you manage to say with out fainting or blushing. As you take the book your hands brush against each other. His hands were so warm and soft. Sam and Dean look at the book your currently pretending to read

" you into vampire theories?" Dean smirks politely. You cover the book with your hand.

" um...yeah, I love mythical creatures and monsters" you blurt out with no verbal filter. Sam holds out his hand to yours. Your hand meets his taking hold of it firmly.

" Sam" he introduces himself. You already knew his name but you acted like you didn't so you would look like a dick.

" ( Y/N)" you answer smiling. You look at Dean who nods

" Dean" he responds in his sexy tone again.

" nice to meet you, Sam....Dean" you smile.
Dean and Sam smiles as they begin to walk off.
" thanks for the book" was the last words leaving his lips as he disappears out the door. Your face blushes now that they left. You stand up holding the book he just gave back to you. You walk towards the borrow station passing a small fan as the air was slightly humid. The wind blows the book open as pages flicker. You attempt to close it as you place the books on the table but before it closes a small piece of paper floats out across your face and lands on the floor. You look at it confused before bending over and picking it up. You unfold it before your eyes read it and widen. A smirk forms on your face as you blush once again.

Because written on this small piece of paper in a red pen was a phone number with a small name scribbled under it with a smiley face.

"thanks for watching us today.

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