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Imagine: Dean and Sam go on a hunt because Dean was bored but Sam is killed and Dean finds himself to blame.

"SAMMY! LOOK OUT" Dean yells as the werewolf charged at Sam after he dropped his gun on the floor. Sam had no tim to react and was thrown to the floor, his head hit the ground before the rest of his body followed. He reached for his gun but it was just out of reach as the beast pinned him down , before It ripped into him with its huge claws, Sam screamed in agony as his body was shredded by the beast. Dean was forced to watch as he was also pinned down by a human form. Sam's blood was now all over the floor and his insides were now outsides, he looks at Dean with his scared and terrified puppy dog face before his screams went quiet and his body went still and pale. Dean's face dropped to horror as his younger brothers body seemed lifeless, motionless, gone. He heard gun shots from behind as the beast feasted on Sams corpse. It whimpered as it dropped to the ground with a thud, and the human form escaped before anyone could kill it.
You run into the alleyway to see Dean scramble to hi feet and run to Sam who's body now had no colour or life to him. His voice cracks as he attempted to speak
"!?, sa...mmmy, please" Dean cries as he leans over him and holds his face in his palm. Tears tumble from his  face landing on Sams crimson stained, Torn up plaid shirt.
" SAAAAAAMMMM!" He yells before sitting on his knees and coming to terms that his little brother that he loved more than himself, the one he swore to protect ,was gone. He lifted his head and held him in his lap rocking back and forth in disbelief, before looking up at you with his green eyes red from his stinging watery eyes.
The way he looked at you was heartbreaking, the face just told you he would do anything to bring him back, even if it meant swapping places, even with out speaking his words were heard.
" sammy's gone, he's ...he's gone" before he erupts into tears and his face drops. You slowly approach him kneeling down and pull him into a tight hug, he cries into your shoulder before he sits up with a blank face.
you help him carry SAMs body to the car and the drive home was silent as Dean just stared into the distance with an emotionless gaze.

Back at the bunker they place Sam's body on his bed before Dean storms out in a hurry. You follow him worried about what he was doing. He was standing in the middle of the library. Then filling with rage his eyebrows bent in anger his eyes filled with guilt. You hold his face in an attempt to calm him down.
" it's my fault, it's my fault he's dead" he mumbles looking at you with pain filled. Before he storms to the bookshelf and starts throwing books in rage. He shoves a table over and smashes a lamp before storming up the stairs and runs out the door. You rush after him
" Dean!, please don't leave" you stop him as he reaches the impala. He turns to you with his death stare,
" no, I'm gonna kill the son of a bitch that did this!" Before going to open the door. You grab his hand and pull him to you. You forcefully hug him.
" it's no ones fault, ok, listen to me, it just happened, don't blame yourself, never blame yourself, it will eat you up inside and turn you into something you never want to be, please come back inside" you comfort. He calms down a little as his eyes start to fill with tears before he drops the keys into your hands and walks back to the bunker door.

Dean's been sitting by Sams for the last four hours, with tears still rolling down his cheek.
" it was my job, Sammy, to look after my pain in the ass little brother." He wiped his tears away with his palm.
" it was my only job, and I screwed it up," he looks at Sam with a shattered heart.
" Sam I don't know what to do, with out you, what am I suppose to do?" He mumbles. Before yelling in self hate,
" WHAT AM I SUPOSE TO DO!". You appear at the door way before sitting down next to him and rubbing back in comfort. He looks at you with his broken soul
" what do I do?"
" the only thing you can do, go on, for him,". He lays his head on your shoulder and closes his eyes, you stay there for the rest of the night.
Sam's body is sitting on the bonfire lighting up in flames. You hold Dean's hand as his brothers existence slowly vanishes with the flames flying high into the sky with his soul.
" ok" he whimpers
" Ok?" You ask
" il do it for him, il do it for sam" he nods before sipping his flask.
" I love you Sammy, you'll always be with us" he said looking up into the stars knowing that the brightest stars were not only his mother, father and uncle,But the brightest star was.... Sam.

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