Stumble and kiss

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Imagine: Sam getting really drunk and admitting his feelings for you.

Sam's guilt was now slowly eating him up. He started drinking to wash away his pain. Even though gadreel was the main cause of Kevin trans death, he still felt responsible, he felt his body suck away his life, draining him dry. You were there of course to pick up the pieces. Obviously that's not the only reason you were there. You've been with Sam and Dean for several years helping them with their hunts. You loved them to bits and would happily give your life for them in a heart beat, and they would for you. But not in the way you felt for Sam, especially for Sam. You always loved Sam, as a crush not as a brother like Dean. But considering your already strong bond with them you didn't want to screw it up by even considering telling him because it could all crumble and your life would be hell. I mean why would he like you? He's never looked at you like the pretty girls at clubs and bars. And yes you noticed them. So you swallow your feelings and Anchor them deep down in your soul. Where they can fester for ever until you die alone. Well that's what you thought.
Every time he was smiling you wanted to be the reason for it, every time he would cry himself to sleep you wished you were his comfort. That the sparkle in his beautiful hazel eyes were because of you. That you could openly kiss him and he would kiss you back with the same intention. But you were utterly 100% sure that he didn't feel the same way.

Tonight you just cleaned up and went to bed while Dean was at a strip club probably picking up a bar tender. Sam is at a bar probably doing the same thing. Some other lucky bitch would get to at least be looked at the way you dreamt. You pushed the last chair in as you shuffle up the hallway to your room closing the door and slumping onto your bed. You turn out the light and slid under your covers before drifting off to sleep. Of course you were woken by a smash and crash as the front door opens loudly jolting you out of your slumber. Your heart races as you automatically reach for your gun under your pillow and cocking it. You were at your bedroom door in a heartbeat pointing the gun put as your crept up the dark hallway. You reach the library with your gun raised hoping to god it wasn't a demon or an intruder. As you breathe deeply you dig up the courage to face whoever or whatever it was. You switch the light on the bunker is flooded with light before your face is flooded with relief. As it was just Sam that was making all the racket. He stumbles down the stairs obviously drunk but trying extremely hard not to show it.
" hey, watcha doin up?" He slurs as he misses a step at the bottom of the stairs landing on his knees but sliding and leaning against the banister in a cheeky pose as if he meant to do it. You giggle at the sight of your big moose being obviously drunk. You walk over to him placing your gun on the table.
" nothing, couldn't sleep" you mumble trying to be distant. He looks up at you before his adorable innocent puppy looks turned on.
" you....didn't stey, cough , up waiting for me did you?" He hiccups before slightly smiling for some reason bringing his knees up to his chest. You smile before trying to act cool.
" yeah, just making sure your ok Sam, you are my best friend remember" you explain with your hands on your hips. Sam smiles as he holds out his hands. You hold out yours helping him to his feet. You reach up and unfold his messy collar he looks at you with a sparkle in his eyes. Suddenly he sneakily kisses your cheek as a thank you before walking to the chair in the library. You stand there bewildered. Did? Did Sam just kiss you? You spin around to see him stumbling to a chair but his hands wave about like a big clumsy moose and hit the bookshelf. Books tumble to the floor loudly. Sam apologises to the bookshelf obviously before bending over and picking them up and awkwardly shoving them into the wrong places. He stands back up revealing his horribly messed up hair that was like he'd been electrocuted. You giggle to yourself. He walks around the table and approaches you. His giant arms slump around you as he towered above you pulling you close so your face was smooshed into his chest. He smelt of beer and whiskey, so you knew he was defiantly drunk and pull away.
" you need sleep my beautiful, I'm sorry to keep you up" you stare slightly confused about why he just called you his beautiful. You look up at him to see him looking at you differently. He smiles before burping and laughing. He grips your face before opening his soft lips.
" Your really pretty, you know that!? The prettiest woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting" he slurs agains slightly ruining the moment but you didn't care. Your face heats up as you blush looking at your feet
" I don't know about that, I've seen how you look at other girls.." He cuts you off
" no, don't understand ..doooooooo youuuuuuuu," his words quite slurred but well meant
" the only reason I look at other girls is to get , get ,,,my mind off you" he hiccups before releasing a big breath of air that was minty fresh, no it wasn't it smelt like beer mixed with his usual musk. You forgot that he was drunk and back away knowing that his mind was boggled and he wasn't himself. But then again I was told by Sam that a drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts. So maybe? Nah he doesn't know what he's talking about.

You grab his arm and pull him towards his room through the hallway.
" your drunk, get some rest you big moose" you smile before he pulls away before again smothering you in a hug and kissing your face. Your face blushed again before you shook it off and turned around grabbing his hand.
" I love you my little moose, always have, always will" he admits staring into your eyes lustfully. You smile before forcefully yanking his arm finally getting him to move. You walk towards the hallway but of course Sam clumsily hits the side of the table his foot clipped the leg and he lunges forward onto you and you both hit the floor. Sam lands on top of you with you on your back. His face inches from yours he giggles as his long brown scruffy hair tickled. Before you could apologise and get up you felt soft warm lips hit yours. Both your eyes close as he deepened the kiss. He slowly pulls away leaving your face bright red cheeked. Your hit with complete ecstasy as the moment you thought would never happen just unfolded. You smiled up at him.
" go out with me?" He asked sliding off you before stumbling to his feet. He picks you up bridal style before walking balance deprived to his bedroom door. You let go of his neck as he throws you onto his bed before his giant self hits the pillow. His half asleep face against the pillow slurred again.o
" will you go out with me (y/n) , my little moose?" He smiles before his eyes drift shut and his body turns over and spreads out over the bed. Within a few minutes he was happily snoring away peacefully. You smile at his peacefully sleeping face as you get up off the bed and pull the blanket over Sam's unconscious body. You leaned in kissing his forehead gently
" goodnight big moose"  you flick the lamp off to darkness and make your way out of the room before closing the door. As you tucked yourself into bed your thoughts of what Sam just admitted replayed in your head as your slumber claimed victory again.

You wake to a familiar sound, the sound of someone hurling up their guts. The amount of times you were sick or Dean had a hangover were more than you could count. You creep out to the bathroom expecting to see Dean but you peek your head through the door to see long brown hair leaning over the toilet bowl. Sam was obviously hungover and was throwing up. You walk in acting concerned before he looks up placing his hand of the seat and lifting himself up. He wipes his mouth with his sleeve before groaning.
" did you tuck me in last night? I don't remember?  " you kinda hoped that he remembered kissing you but you didn't want to say anything.
" yeah I did , didn't want you to get a chill" you feel uncomfortable and walk off.
" did I do anything last night?, I was drunk obviously"  he leans against the door looking out at you.
" no, just a bit clumsy so I pulled you to your bed" you lie knowing that he was just drunk.
" so nothing happened?" He asks walking towards you.
" no, nothing happened ,why?"  Sam cups your face in his large hands before pulling your eyes to his. He smiled
" are you sure, little moose?" He giggles. Your eyes look away realising he remembers last night.
" you remember?"
" of course I remember, I wasn't that! Drunk"  you look at him sternly
" Sam, you apologised to A BOOKSHELF" you smirk giggling. Sam chuckles feeling slightly embarrassed.
" you blushed when I kissed you and called you beautiful, why?" You look at the ground before having no choice but to tell the truth.
" I love you Sam Winchester, I always have always will, I thought that you didn't feel the same way so I kept it hidden from you. When you called me beautiful and kissed me for the first time, for a split second I thought maybe, just maybe there was a small possibility that.........." You were cut off by Sam.

" I've always loved you, I fell in love with you ever since you came into our lives. I never said anything because you never said anything. The amount of times I wanted to kiss you or hug you, if I earned I dollar for every time you crossed my mind then I would probably own everything in the entire universe right now. I love you." He leans in and kisses you lovingly.
" I've waited so long to do that" he smiles before forgetting his breath smelt like vomit. He lets go of you your face as you smile and offer to get him some water. Your half way out the door when you hear his voice again
" you still haven't answered my question!" You stop before looking back at him confused
" what question?"
" will you go out with me?" He smiles waiting for a response. you run to him before wrapping your arms around his neck before smiling as his eyes gaze into yours the way you finally dreamt of.
" I've waited forever for this to happen!"  Sam smiles at you before nodding nervously
" well....?"
You kiss him on the cheek
" hell yeah!".

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