Christmas lights

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Imagine castiels first experience with Christmas

" what's a Christmas carol, Dean?" Cas asked as he tuned the radio for Dean to listen to while he was sipping his flask, he was laying back in a chair with his feet on the table.
" it's specific songs you only sing at, Christmas" he mumbles with his mouth still on the nozzle of the flask. He places it on the table and sits up lowering his legs.
" what's Christmas?" Cas tilts his head with a puzzled look.
" you don't know what Christmas is?" Dean stared with a concerned look.
" um, no , should I?, is it something humans do all the time?, what is it?, teach me?" Cas smiles with excitement for another lesson in being human. Sam walks in heading towards the bookshelves, before see Dean and cas smiling at each other.
" hey, guys,so get this...." But before he could answer. Dean butted in
" hey SAMMY why don't you explain to fas what Christmas is?" And he got up and wandered into the kitchen with a craving for pie
" but, I found...." Before cas butted in.
" Sam?, what Christmas?, please tell me?" Looking up with puppy dog eyes that he learnt from Sam.
Sam sighs and sits down.
" Christmas is a time for celebration, it's jesus's birthday, singing Christmas carols, giving gifts, decorating trees and hanging decorations around the house is a way to celebrate. Christmas comes once a year" Sam explains. Cas is sitting there trying to absorb everything that Sam just blurted out.
" let's show you" Sam said walking to the storage room and out of castiels view.
Dean returns, with a plate of raspberry pie.
" Sam always loved Christmas when he was little" he giggled eating a mouthful.
Sam returns with a big box of lights then rushing back in and out with a big box with a bunch of decorations.
" cas you can help me decorate the tree, Dean's gonna go get it now" looking at Dean who sighs and dumps his play on the table before grabbing his keys to the Impala and walking up the stairs.

Sam gave castiel some lights to start decorating and directed him where to stick them before walking down the corridors with tinsel and up to the front door.
About ten minutes past and Dean arrived with the tree, and Sam rushed up the stairs to help out. They slowly walked down the stairs a moment later with a tree in their hands, they drag it to the library where cas was still hanging up lights. As they entered the room, Sam and Dean stop as there faces light up in smiles, before erupting into laughter. Case was laying on the ground rolling around completely tangled in the string of lights. Thrashing around he looks at the brothers with an innocent pleading face,
" guys, can you," Dean just stands there pointing and giggling while Sam untangled cas and stood him up, he wandered over to Dean and pointed up, to which there was a hooked up bunch of misseltoe. Dean's face went from hysterical laughter to terror. Cas smiled cheekily, Dean backs off with his hands in the air before castiel makes a move. Dean sprints out of the room with Castiel following with a cheeky laugh.
Sam hung up the lights properly, and smiled as he sits down peacefully as he knew this Christmas was finally gonna be a memorable one, one his family would never forget.

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