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Imagine: Cas first experience with a butterfly

"Come on CAS lets go see the butterfly's, you've never seen one before." You grab Castiels hand and pull him towards the butterfly enclosure. His face beaming with excitement as he stumbles behind you with a giant smile on his face. His eyes the bluest blue to ever blue. As you reach the enclosure you look at Castiel.
" you ready? Huh?, your gonna love it, just don't squish them ok?" You inform him as his eyes search yours with an impatient nod of his head and he scampers off to the front door before waiting for you to join. You both wander in faces beaming with delight.

As you get hit with the warm moist humidity of the air in the large greenhouse, all you see is green plants before fluttering of thousands upon thousands of colourful butterflies everywhere. You look at cas who is staring up with a bewildered expression before smiling laughing and running off into the crowd. You loose sight of him for a few minutes before spotting his back towards you being motionless his arms flapping about. You run to him before you see a bright orange Monarch butterfly perched right on his nose. His face white as snow as his eyes showed you that he was petrified. The fact that he wasn't moving showed you that he was frozen in fear. In another minute three more were on his shoulders and head. Another minute he was almost completely covered in them. His eyes went pale, his body started shaking before he suddenly exploded.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh' GET THEM OFFFFFF!" He screams at the top of his lungs as his arms start flapping about and he starts running and jumping around in circles. The crowd shuffled and dodges his arms making a small circle space. The butterfly's flutter off and away leaving cas sitting on his knees panting and out of breath with a scared expression with eyes filling with tears. You run and place your hand on his shoulder before he looks up at you. A tear falls down his cheek as he sniffles.
" don't...like...butter.flies..." He stutters as he gets to his feet slowly
You hold his face before wiping his tear away.
" angels must have an attraction to butterflies, hehe, calm down, there harmless ok" you pull him to his feet. He sighs as he looks at you before nodding innocently. You hold his hand out eagerly before a second later a butterfly lands on it again.
" see, look" you point at it.
It's wings flap slowly as it goes still. Cas looks closer at it before smiling.
" oh, hello there" he giggles as it moves tickling his hand. He lifts his hand up and it disappears.
Cas looks at you with a smile you would never forget.

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