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Dean and Sam are face down in books looking for there new case. Dean's hair is pressed against the pages with his mouth half open and dribbling with a smile on his face. Probably dreaming about pie or his baby again. Sam was peacefully resting on his laptop quietly snoring. That was until the front door opened with a loud bang. Castiel enters with a few shopping bags in his hands. He slams the door behind him loudly waking the brothers up. Sam coughed as he sat up suddenly rubbing his hazel eyes sleepily. Dean of course snorted as his head shot up, wiping his dribble covered mouth.

Cas dumped the bags on the table next to them before ruffling the bags and pulling out some supplies. Chucking pie to Dean who had a giant smile struck up his face, some fruit and juice to Sam who smiled before going back to typing. Lastly he pulled out some beer. Dean sighed in gratitude at the blue eyed angel as he snatched a bottle from the slab and twisting the lid off with a fizz. Dean started sipping it back joyfully as his eyes closed wanting to saver the moment. He then throws one at Sam who without even looking puts his hand up and catches it mid air. Castiel wasn't sure why they loved beer so much, I mean I know he's never tried it before, but surely there are better things in life.
" Dean?" Cas asked turning his head and scratching the side of his face quizitivly.
" yes CAS? " Dean smirked still enjoying he moment.
" can I try one, please?" He looks as Dean with his innocent face that he new would melt Dean's heart.
" why, not, ok here you go Cas, knock you self out" he giggles handing one to Castiel who was unsure of why he was asked to knock himself out. Cas copied Sam and twisted the lid off making a fizzing sound that slightly startled Cas and held it to his lips cautiously.
" but don't drink too mu......" Dean was unable to finish his remark as Cas slammed the empty bottle down on the table. Wiping his mouth with his trench coat sleeve.
" Castiel, your not suppose to skull it, you sip it, other wise you..." Dean was interrupted by an unfamiliar sound

" hick..........hick!" Cas opened his eyes wide as he covered his mouth slightly embarrassed and confused. Sam and Dean for row there brows as they study castiels actions.
" um Dean, what's happening to....HICK" he jumped back again holding his mouth tighter this time. Dean and Sam giggle before erupting into laughter and smiling at each other. On the other hand Cas was staring in anger and fear as he thought something was wrong with him.
" Dean, what's..HICK... wrong with ...HICK.. Me?, there's someth...HICK..ing wrong." Cas struggled by his own interruptions. He starts panicking and shaking. He struggles to breathe.
" I'm, dying aren't..HICK.. I?, Dean what...HICK....is....HICK.....wrong!...HICK.....Help...HICK...me" Castiels blue eyes are now glistening with tears at the thought of himself dying. Dean realises cas's discomfort and stand up and walks over to him.
" Cas your not dying ok, it's called Hickups" Dean explains placing his hands on cas's shoulder. Sam was still in the background laughing his head off, his long scruffy brown hair fluffy and ruffling as his head shook. Cas calmed down as he trusted the winchesters.
" please..HICK...help me ....HICK....Dean" Cas pleading for help at the older Winchester. Dean snickers before walking off to the kitchen to get a glass of water. He returns with a glass of water and hands it to Cas who looks up intently before skulking it back in one gulp. While he was looking as Dean he didn't realise that Sam was sneaking up behind him quietly.
" you ok now?" Dean asked
" I think so, I'm not doing it any....HICK" Cas's face drops to frustration. Dean slightly giggles as Sam was now right behind Cas and he had no idea he was there. Before Cas could comment anything else Sam shook castiels shoulder yelling
" CASSSSSS!" Really loudly scaring the hell out of cas. His eyes opened wide as his body tensed up before falling to the ground toppling a chair in the process. He curled up in a ball breathing loudly letting out small whimpers. Sam helped him up
" you should be clear now cas " Sam ensured patting his back apologetically.
" ssssss.....s....a......mm. Why.... Di.....d you do ...that?" Cas mumbles
" it gets a rid of Hickups" sam explained
" there gone see" Sam smiles trying to cheer him up. Cas realises that he's cured and lights up. He smiles at Dean who was also smiling in delight. The rest of the day Castiel went no where near the beer. Never touched it again.

Dean loved moments like these, there so called 'job' was not exactly fun, but scenarios like these made them just a bit more bearable.

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