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Imagine: letting cas go but he won't leave you.

It's false hope thinking that an angel and a human could work. You basically just gave up on that dream a long time ago. But cas not so much. It was time you tell him. Even though it hurt you, you still had to do it.

You were laying in bed in the late morning. You sat up scratching your bed hair and pulling your plaid top over your head and slipping your socks on. You head sleepily down the bunker hallway trying to work up the courage to tell him. You get to the dining room to see the once trashed and littered room now spotless and clean with a nicely set out table with a table cloth and a small vase with a rose. You cough intently to see who set it up. Castiel walks out wearing an apron holding a plate of bacon and eggs. He smiles and places the plate on the table. He pulls the apron off and rushes to you. He wraps his arms around you.
" morning (y/n)" he comments happily to see you.
" hey cas, look I need to talk to you" you sternly imply. Cas grabs your hand and leads you to the table before sitting you down and himself a moment later. His eyes love struck as he stares at you waiting intensely for your words to land in his ears. You feel your stomach tighten as you hold back your tears.
" cas this is really sweet but, I need to admit something" you sniffle
" look, I love you, I really do, but this won't work, it can't" you explain fighting your erg to scream.
He looks at you confused before at the eggs and bacon.
" omg, you hate eggs and bacon, I'm so sorry, il make something else, how bout pancakes?" He goes to get up but you grab his hand and pull him back to his seat forcefully.
" no , Castiel our relationship, what we have, it can't work" you look down at your fingers as they fidget. Castiel stares at you innocently and still confused.
" but...I don't understand, I love you, you love me, why can't it work?" He asks his blue eyes piercing your soul. Your eyes well up as you brace yourself.
" your an angel cas, I'm a human, we don't mix, we don't belong together" a tear threatens to spill but you fight it to stay strong for cas.
" why not?, my father always wanted me to love humanity more than him, that's what I'm doing, I love you" he stands up and walks to you with his hands out wanting yours. You leap backwards out of his reach not wanting to hurt anymore than you already did. You stop him with your hand raised.
" sit down, we can work this out" he requests as his eyebrows sunk and his smile turned upside down for the first time when he looked at you.
" Castiel , you don't understand, I'm not good for you, I'm poison!, one day il be gone and you'll still be here alone. I can't let myself screw your life up, it's torture!" A tear falls from your face as your hands shake and cover your face. A moment later you feel warm hands embrace yours before feeling a familiar trench coat surround you. You shake your head before pushing him away whimpering. He stumbles backwards.
" I don't care if you'll be dead in one second, it's worth it if I have you in my life." He smiles re approaching you but you again shove him into the wall.
" you can't love me, il be dead and you'll keep going, please just.... I can't bare the thought of leaving you" you whimper as another tear falls from your face. Cas forces his way into your arms before using his hand to wipe your face clean of tears. He cups your face
" so your gonna leave me now?, how's that any different?, you always said to live life to the fullest, hold the people you love most closest, like there's no tomorrow, so that's what I'm doing with you why you still have a tomorrow!" His arms slip around your back and grip you tightly in a gentle hug. As your head burrows into his chest he mumbles into your ear before kissing you softly on the mouth

"If you die, I die"

Those words that left his mouth proved everything, that maybe , just maybe, things will work out, that you could finally have your dream come true.

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