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Imagine getting mugged in the park by three guys but being saved by Sam

Like usual you were the last person to leave the office building, like always. Turning off the lights and locking up as you leave. At ten o'clock at night in a quiet street with the tall street lights glistening off the rain soaked road. The occasional car horn in the distance. You live about ten minutes away so you walk to work most days. This day was no different.

You took the quiet shortcut through the park passing the park and open field. Moonlight creating a shadow through the gaps in the trees. Hearing nothing but your own footsteps you head towards the garden gates. But your attention is grasped by more than one set of footsteps that weren't your own. You turn around to see nothing, you think it's your imagination and turn back hesitantly. The footsteps sound again you sharply look behind you to see not one but three dark figures in the trees shadows. Your heart skips a beat and starts thumping rapidly, as the adrenalin kicked in. You grip your bag tightly and speed up down the path. With sweat beading down your face you start jogging towards the park gate. Just as you reached the gate the lock was tangles in the chains, you fumble with it but you can't untangle it because your hands were shaking. The footsteps behind you turn you around. You see three dark figures cornering you into the gate. One was holding a gun, the other a sharp pointy object, you couldn't see there faces because they were wearing masks. You stumbled backwards screaming for help, one of the men pointing the gun at you to stop. One of them approaches you before snatching your backpack, you hold on to it but the man was stronger and it was pulled from your grasp. You scream again with the worst intention, thinking you were gonna die.

Without missing a beat your face is overcome with sudden pain, as one of them punched you. Before you could react properly you felt a forceful sharp object be shoved into your stomach. You groan as you hit the deck and curl up on your knees. The three men then started beating you and slicing you with there weapons, slicing your cheek a few times and punching you several times all over your body. You were now curled up in a ball with blood all over you. Your last attempt at a screaming for your life was interrupted buy another voice

"Hey, assholes!"
The voice said sternly as a tall figure came into your view (sideways as you were face down in the dirt).
You lift your head up weakly as the three men's attention was taken. They pointed the gun to his head but his arm swung around knocking it out and gripping the gunman in a headlock before cutting off his air supply and he passes out and drops to the floor. The other two hesitantly sprinted off with the backpack. The man ran after them but before you could see who it was they were in the distance and you couldn't recognise them. You slowly get to your feet holding your stomach you limp quickly towards the direction that the men were running. You see at the back of the field to figures running with the other figure just behind them. Suddenly the dark figure catches up and all three of the figures topple to the ground in a heap. As you slowly approach them with caution you notice the man that tackled them was now beating them up retrieving the backpack. He was wearing a green jacket and had scruffy long brown hair. He knocks one out with his fist as the other one attempted to get away, but he tripped him over and was flat on his back with his legs pinned. He stood over him with his fist clenched.
" listen here asshat, why don't you rob someone your own size instead of an innocent woman, I would do more damage to you, but I'm afraid you've already don't that with your stupidity, and disrespect. Get out of here before I change my mind!" His low voice scaring the guy as he scrambles to his feet, and sprints off leaving the backpack on the grass.

The man leant over and picked up the backpack and ran back to you, you were halfway across the field by now but now crouching a bit more.
" i believe this is yours" he commented holding out the backpack to you. You slowly reach out your hand for it with a surprised and grateful look on your face.
" why.....wh...y.....Di..d you do that?, you, could of been killed" you ask with a stern face. The brown haired hero places his hands on your shoulder and face and lifts your head.
" because, I'd rather die saving people, then die knowing I let people go for my own safety, besides some people are worth fighting for" he smiles with a small cut on his forehead.
" umm......are you ok?" He asked concerned looking down at your stomach. You smile at him before opening your mouth.
" um, I'm ok.....why?, shouldn't you be more concerned with your own health considering you just took down three criminal......." You loose your breath as you look down at your stomach cringing. You notice as you hold your hands out that they are covered in blood. You look up with a scared expression. His face drops as he realises what happened.

Your knees give way and you fall to the ground grunting as you hold your stomach tighter in pain. The man braces your head as he checks what's wrong with you. He moves your hands out of the way.
" I need to see what's wrong, do you mind?" He suggests asking permission to lift your shirt to check your stomach. You nod as you take a deep breath. He lifts your shirt that was covered in blood. There was a stab wound from one of the criminals. You look down in horror before looking away and moaning. He pulls his jacket off and uses it as a cloth covering the deep gash trying to stop the bleeding. He then holds your face carefully.
" you need to get to a hospital now" as he braces your head he picks you up you wrapping your arms around his neck. He seemed to hold you with no trouble. He swung the backpack onto his back before looking at you as he speed walks to the car park cautiously. His eyes met with yours, they were a beautiful hazel they were so caring and full of worry, yet he was complete stranger. Your eyes feel heavy as you slowly lose consciousness. Sam was persistent to keep you awake, he wasn't prepared to loose another innocent. He talks to you to keep you awake.
" hey, hey, stay with me, you hear me, hey?" He yells. You feel drowsy but use as much energy as you can to keep your eyes open. You get to a black shiny car, and he rests you in the passenger seat. He gets in the driver seat and starts the ignition. He looks at you with his worried expression and puppy dog eyes.
" focus on me ok, were almost there" he comforts as he drives as quick as he can to the closest hospital. As you reach Sioux Falls general hospital he swerves into the emergency bay. He pulled you out into his arms and rushed you inside. As he placed you into a stretcher he looked at your face. It was blank and your eyes were closed.
" she's lost a lot of blood, she needs a blood transfusion, we need to take here to an operation theatre" the head nurse told him. The man covers his face with his hands in worry before watching your limp blood covered body be rolled out of the entrance and out of sight. For about two hours he paced up and down the hallway hoping that you were still alive.

He was now sitting in a seat with his head in his palms. When a doctor walked out and spoke to him. He stood up his eyes filling with tears.
" is she ok, is she alive?" He choked in worry, his hands shaking.
the doctor took a deep breath
" she lost way too much blood, but luckily you got her here in time, she needed a blood transfusion and surgery on her stomach but, she's fine and will make a full recovery" he smiled
Filled with relieve the man followed the doctor to her room, to see you wired up through your arm but otherwise completely fine. He sighs in relief that he was able to save you. He places your back pack on the visitor chair beside you and walks over to you lightly caressing your hand before smiling and heads towards the door. As he went to leave he was pulled back by his hand that was grasped in yours. You open your eyes to see his perfect face properly for the first time.
" thank you....for.. Saving" you say as your eyes fill with tears of gratefulness.
" it was my pleasure, what your name?" He asked holding your hand.
"(Y/n)" you smile at his question.
" I never got your name?" You stare at him with lusting eyes.
" I'm Sam, Sam Winchester" kissing your hand suddenly. You smile.
" I'm happy you made it, but il let you rest, it was a pleasure meeting you" he slowly walks to the door. He goes to walk off but is pulled back as his hand was still grasped in yours. He smiled as he re approached the bed,
"What?" He giggle
You thought for a minute before sitting up painfully.
" what, are you doing?, you should be......." But before he could finish his sentence ,you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in. Your lips connected. Sam's arms were flapping around with no idea what they were doing, before they slowly wrapped around your neck. He kissed back full of passion. You pulled away gently before smiling and meeting his gaze again.
"What was that?" He laughed with a giant smile
" that was a thank you" you sit back down holding his hand. He leans back over and kissed you on the cheek before blushing.
" your most welcome" he sat down on the visitor seat. That's exactly where he stayed for the rest of the night. In fact ever since that night he never left your side.

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