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Imagine your Sam and Dean's friend who's in love with Castiel

Castiel and you are on a romantic date at your old cabin in the woods. Castiel was very old fashioned when it comes to dates and romantic stuff. He set up the cabin with candles and roses everywhere because your favourite flowers were white roses. He pulls your chair out for you and pushing it back in. He sits on the opposite side of you placing his hand on yours.
" your so beautiful, I'm the luckiest angel in heaven" he giggles stroking your hand gently. You blush as your smile light up the room. You look down
" I don't know about that, why do you care about me, there are so many other prettier more beautiful girls out there why are you settling for me?" You ask. Castiel leans forward and cups your face
" if could give you one thing in life, it would be the ability to see yourself through my eyes, then you could see how special you are to me" he smiles his ocean blue eyes stares at you like you were his everything. You giggle as you blush even more.
" falling from heaven is the best thing that ever happened, it brought me to you. I've fallen for your laugh, because it's utterly contagious, I've fallen for your smile for it makes me giddy for no reason at all. I've fallen for how you make my day better, even if I was seconds away from tears a moment before. I've fallen for every second I get to spend with you, even if those seconds leave me wanting more." He smiles at you stroking your face brushing a strand of hair out of your face.
" don't you see, your perfect in every way, your my angel" he places his hands on the sides of your face and pulls you closer before your lips softly graze his. He pulls away calmly. You felt overwhelmed with lust and self worth as the angel you fell in love with loved you more. He smiles nervously as he reaches into his back pocket
" I don't want to lose you, my life is worthless without you in it" he trails off as he stands up before walking to your side of the table and kneeling down on one knee. You cover your mouth with your trembling hands.
Castiel pulls out a little box with a red ribbon, he stares up at you with innocent eyes searching for words.
" will you go out with me (y/n)?" The box opens and inside was a small gold promise ring with a little blue and green world made of emerald and sapphire.
" it's to remind you that you are my world" CAS comments holding it out.
You feel your eyes tear up as your hands shake perfusly running your fingers through his soft dark hair.  You open your mouth but the sound of footsteps behind you intervene.
" oh, I'm sorry , did I intrude?" The well dressed demon snickered as two more appeared. Castiel stood up before his angel blade slides out into his grasp. You stand up taking steps behind CAS as he tries to protect you. But another demon  grabs you from behind before reaching out and snatching cas's blade from his grasp.
" she is an abomination, she is a part of the problem, so I'm solving it" he angrily snicker before shoving the blade into your chest and twisting it. You felt your life leave your body as the angel blade drops to the floor with a clang. Your legs tremble as your blood soaks your hands and chest. Castiel screams in retaliation and runs at them diving and shoving his hands into the demons faces and lighting them up with a bright yellow light. They drop to the floor silent and still. He picks up his angel blade and throws it at another demon landing right in its chest. It's eyes flicker black before sparking an orange colour and screeching and falling to the ground dead. Your legs give away and you drop to your knees. Castiels face is overcome with grief and panic. He runs to you and scoops you into his arms and holding you upright.
" omg, no,no,no" he chokes on a lump in his throat, his eyes threatening to spill tears. You look at your chest before back at him and whimpering
" ca.......s......." Your eyes close slowly as you collapse in his arms. He grips you tight with his trench coat now  stained in your blood.
" no, stay with me, you can't leave me" his hands grip your face keeping you awake before you open your mouth.
" I won't, CAS I promised didn't I, that's what the promise rings for" you cry as you accept his promise ring. He sniffles as he crawls to the table and fumbled with the ring before returning to you and slipping it onto your bloody finger. His blue eyes well with tears. You splutter as blood leaks from your mouth and you choke for air. He panics as his wings don't have enough strength to fly.
" I can't fly, I.....I.....I ..can't " he sniffles as your slump to the floor closing your eyes.
" it's's ok cas, promise me you'll kill the winy dick, for me, don't give up, always keep...fighting." You choke again as Cas pulls you into his arms cradling your head. You look up at him smiling he notices and is confused
" what?" He sniffles
Your eyes lose focus on him and stay still as your body slumps and goes limp, the last words to escape your mouth
" your my heaven". Cas holds you up before looking into your pale eyes with horror and disbelief.
" hey, hey, (y/n)! No, no no no no," he pulls your dead body into his and hugs you tightly rocking back and forth.

Sam and Dean are sitting at the library table like usual with there faces in books. A familiar sound of fluttering wings grasp there attention. There bored faces light up to see Castiel standing there with a blank face covered in blood. There faces drop as they run to him and holding his trembling body from falling over.
" hey, Castiel what happened?" Dean asks full of concern
CAS struggles to speak as he moves his hands around in desperation before his face drops to pure misery and sadness. He chokes as he struggles to explain. Dean looks around before for frowning his brows
" where's (y/n)? She was with you" before cas's eyes well up again as he trembled
" she.....she's........." As tears stream down his face his legs turn to jelly and he drops to the floor. Sam and Dean sit with him wrapping there arms around him for comfort as they realise what happened.
" she's deaaaaaaaaad!" Cas erupts into tears as he grips Dean's jacket tightly.
" I couldn't ....I couldn' her..." He mumbles into Dean's jacket. Sam's face tears up as his puppy eyes take over looking at Dean before burying his face into Castiel's trench coat. Dean's heart broke as his angels misery. They both sat with him quietly comforting him as he realised that
Not only did he lose his love, but he Lost his world.

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