Dress up day

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Imagine children Sam and Dean going to school for dress up day.

Like always Dean was the first one up on a Monday morning. Dad was gone for days, on his usual hunt leaving Dean to look after Sammy. So they still went to school, just like normal kids. Dean was 10 and Sam was 6. Dean walks sleepily to the kitchen of the hotel to prepare breakfast. He walks to SAMs bed and scruffy his hair
" Sammy, wake up" Dean whispered before Sam's Jade eyes open slowly before being wide awake and jumping out of bed with an edited expression. His hair all scruffy from tossing in his sleep. Dean was pretty much forced to be his mother figure with helping him get dressed into his blue jeans, and black shirt and feeding him. Dean packed a lunch bag for Sam before walking with him to school.

When he got back home he realised that his amulet was gone and his brown leather jacket was no where to be found. His face went from peaceful to pure anger. Whoever took them would be dead when he found them.

School presentation

Dean always went to Sams school functions and concerts because there mum wasn't around to. It was dress as what you want to be when you grow up day. Dean was picking up Sam from his concert he was evolved in. They were getting up on stage and explaining who they dressed up as and why. Like usual kids a few were dressed as superman, some girls were princesses, a chef , a policeman like usual. Then as Dean peered into the classroom, all the parents were applauding there kids. Sam was sitting on the side of the stage with a hint of sadness. Dean slips in the door and sits on a seat Sam not noticing.
Sam now gets onto the stage but when the teacher asked who he wanted to be, he pulled out his back pack and unzipped it. The crowd was quiet and confused. But what happened next brought Dean to tears completely extinguishing his anger and turning it into pure joy.
He pulled out Dean's jacket and amulet and put them on with pride. He smiled as he saw Dean's watering green eyes staring back with a proud big brother smile.
The teacher bent down to his level
" sam?, what do you want to be when you grow up?" She asked.
Sam smiled at Dean as a tear fell from his face.
" I wanna be Dean, my big brother, he saves people, he's my hero" he admits his smile even brighter than before.
Dean got up and ran to the stage in a heart beat, he was up the stairs in as second and Sam was suddenly encased in Dean's arms. He was lifted in the air in a tight hug.
" your my hero Dean" he yells at the top of his lungs.
Dean places him down and kneels down to his height. Places his hand on his shoulder.
" your my hero too sammy, never forget that, I love you" Dean openly said with a bright smile on his face. He pulls him into another hug before Sam can speak
" I love you too Dean"
It was moments like this that he loved his life, he's little brother, his other half the one he loved most.
The one who completed him.

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