Drinks allert

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Imagine; telling a story to your grandchildren about how you met your true love.
"So how'd you tow meet?" The little girl asked
Well why don't I tell you a story
(Flash back)
You just quit from your job that you've been working for several years, because of some new sexist fuckwit asshole of a boss, who wouldn't give you a raise or would harass you unless you sleep with him, the boss you had before was much nicer and was kinder. It's sad that he retired and gave his job to this sleezbag. He calls him self Ed ( Gareth Edison), but anyway.
You finally cracked it at him because he gave the higher raise to the new guy even though You've been there for seven years! Because you repeat:
" he's a man, sweetheart, your better at tending the phones as secretary, this manager job has more of a masculine requirement. So sit your sexy little ass down and look pretty for us."
So you retaliated by not only unhooking all the phone lines, but his fridge and computer. You stormed into his office afterwards and chucked all the pages of harassment charges and fines, with emails to his wife about his sexual advances towards you. When he looked up with a " you gotta be joking love" smirk you opened your mouth
" listen up you dickless twat, this is the twentieth century now, your two decades out of date you mathematically inept cock splash!, I've recorded over the last two weeks every sexist, sexual comment you've spoken to me, so..." You pick up his computer and smash it on his brand new oak desk (that he spent your Christmas bonus on ) and smash his iPad. " if you even try to do anything against me in court, I have enough evidence to send you to jail. You do not have the RIGHT to SPEAK TO WOMEN that way! So il repeat this to you dumbed right down considering your brain is the same size as your penis. Try anything!, ANYTHING!, you....will..............lose. You can get fucked!" And you walk out shoving books and ornaments of his shelves.

So your day was sad because you have no job but you were happy that you finally left that sexist pig. Like usual Thursday nights you spend your night in a tavern in town. Getting drunk was pretty much the only thing you had on your mind at the moment, you never thought your wish would come true especially on a night like this. It's been two hours and your drinking your usual lemon lime and bitters after a couple beers. And got into a polite conversation with a nice dark haired man sitting at the bar. He was a gentle man. So you sat next to him for a while. Before you could speak again a short light haired attractive man sat next to you with a sexy smile on his face and a raised eyebrow.
" hey, there, something troubling you?" He asks politely before sliding closer and waving his arm to order more drinks at the bar tender.
" yes, just quit my job" you blurt out before you look at him again and looking back down at you glass and swirling the liquid at the bottom of the glass. His eyes were the most vibrant and beautiful shade of green you have ever seen. You were drawn to him like a moth to a lantern. You smile at him
" I haven't seen you before in here, you new in town?" You question with a friendly smile.
" yeah, my brother and I are on a trip" he turns his head to a table in the distance with another man sitting by himself staring at you with a cute smile his long brown hair scruffy and covered his forehead and ears.  You look back at the man at the bar.
" I'm (y/n)" you hold out your hand to him for a hand shake.
" I'm Dean, Dean Winchester" he gently picks your hand up and brings it to his lips, and kisses it softly. You blush and follow him to the table where his brother was sitting. He stood up as you reached the table and smiled
" this is my lil bro Sammy" Dean introduces
" it's Sam!, hi nice to meet you" he nods directing you to the table and sitting you down. His eyes were a gorgeous hazel they pierced your soul.
" so what happened with your job?" Dean asks before Sam's face dropped to his puppy face.you found his face incredibly, well you found both of them incredibly attractive.
" my boss was a sexist sleez bag so I quit, now I'm broke." You look down at your hands as they curl in slight anger. Sam notices your face tensing up and places his hands softly on yours.
" hey, it's ok, if he treated you that way, he doesn't deserve you, he's a jackass" he giggled in an attempt to cheer you up.
" can I get you a drink?" Sam suggests
" yes please, that would be lovely" You smile at Sam and Dean as they nudge each other and slip out towards the bar. Out of your view Sam is shoved into the men's bathroom by Dean.You sit there patiently waiting for the brothers to return.

" dude!, what the hell!" Dean snickered slamming the door closed. He stared at Sam with his pissed of bitch face.
" what, I was being friendly, I'm just getting her a drink."
" yeah, exactly"
" well, what's your point Dean?"
" just don't, back off, she's mine."
No I saw her first, you just shoved me out of the way and stole her, besides , why do you get all the girls?" Sam complained with a hint of anger
" because I'm older, that's why" he answered honestly. Sam glared angrily at Dean before storming out
" no, Not this time you don't, she's a nice girl, she deserves respect" Sam mumbled opening the door and heading to the bar.
" what the hell are you talking bout, I am respectful, you don't!" Dean yells as Sam grabs the beers in both hands and turns around.
" she's mine, Dean, end of story" he goes to walk off before Dean grabs his arm and swings him back. Their shoulders collide and the beers go flying onto the floor in front of them and smashing. Sam glares in rage before pulling away but when Dean didn't let go he swung and punched his face. Dean shot backwards and slid into a table after knocking a waiter over. He brushed himself off before raising his eye brow and storming back holding his nose that was now dripping blood. He tilted his head before punching Sam in the face then again in the stomach before gripping the collar of his green jacket and swinging him onto the bar and thumping his head on the bar temporarily dazing him.
"DEAN!, she's mine!"
Sam yelled holding Dean's face away from his before reaching for a glass bottle of tequila and smashing it on Dean's face causing him to fall to the ground covered in shards of glass. Sam shot up and headed for you cleaning himself up
But before he could get to you he was thrown sideways by a figure forcing him flying into the pool table. Sam groans as his hands spread out along the green felt searching for a weapon. His hands touched a hard round billiard ball and smacks it at Dean's face forcing his head into the swinging light above and falling to the floor. He pulls Sam down with him and starts throwing punches winding him before aiming at his face. Sam is laying on his back with Dean crouched over him his amulet dangling under his neck. Sam grips it and pulls it down as well as wrapping his feet around deans waist and forcefully flips him over so that he is now on the floor. Dean uses his feet to kick Sam backwards loosing his balance and ploughing through the wooden banister and onto another table knocking him unconscious momentarily. Dean shoves the bartender out of the way as he attempted to stop the fight.

You always fantasised about two hot guys fighting over you but never as seriously as this. You run over to Sam who was bleeding all over and curled up in a ball unconscious under a smashed table. Just as Dean approached you with a smile wiping away his blood trickling down his cheek. He stood there with his arm out before out of know where he goes flying sideways as a dark haired man comes into view and holds out his hand to you.
" are you alright?, are these guys bothering you?" He asks awkwardly
" um, not really but I'm gonna leave anyway.
You turn to Sam who's eyes slowly open with pain, and a defeated puppy face. Your pulled up to his face as he held you close in his muscular arms. His eyes were the bluest blue you have ever seen. His long dark hair flopped over his eyes slightly. He pulled you nicely out of the bar and into the car park
" they ain't right for you" he commented pulling you to his bike
" need a lift?" He looks into your eyes  before his attention is grasped by the two brothers who were running after you with worried apologetic faces. They both stand there looking at each other with the " this is your fault" look. Suddenly an object hit the wall an inch from their faces. It was an arrow. Dean and Sam looked in horror as the man with a black leather vest with angel wings stood there holding up a black crossbow.
" next time, I ain't gonna miss" he warns hopping onto his motor bike and holding out his hand for you. You find this man strangely attractive and inviting. You hop on looking back at the brothers that were dropping there heads and walking back inside. You wrap your arms around his waist as the bike roared into life.
" who are you?" You scream over the sound of the engine
" I'm nobody, nothing"
" what's your name, I wanna know?"
"Daryl Dixon" he smiles
" hold on" as you speed off into the distance.

As you flew down the open road with wind in your hair, not only did your worries disappear, but you were free.

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