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Taylor's POV:

Macy had texted me as soon as I got home and I thought maybe I should go and see her seeing as I've haven't spoke to her since sixth form finished, this whole Brad thing is turning me into a bad friend. I've also decided to tell Macy about Brad, I need someone to vent too when I'm feeling angry and seeing as Jamie's doing his thing with the girl in the year below.. I need Macy.

"Mum I'm going out" I said throwing my black bomber jacket on.

"Hold up" she said.

"Where have you been?" She asked.

"I stayed at Connors after the pub" I said bluntly.

"Are you seeing Connor now? What happened to Jamie?" She said taking her glasses off and putting them ontop of her head.

"Mum I was never seeing Jamie and I'm not seeing Connor, just friends" I said and I could see the fear on her face that I was going in the wrong direction in life and I instantly felt bad, I upset my mum all the time and when she does find out about me and Brad she would be even more upset.

"I'm going Macy's, I promise I'm fine.. I love you" I said hugging her tight.

I shut the door and pulled out my phone from my pocket when it started ringing in my hand, I looked at the caller id and saw Brad.

"Hello" I answered.

"Where you?" He asks I can hear him in hailing his smoke down the phone.

"Walking past your house right now.. I'm on my way to Macy's, where you?" I ask.

"I'm still at Connors.. Jess left like half hour ago.

"Why don't you pick me up later at Macy's?" I ask.

"Yeah alright, see you then" he said.

"Bye" I end the call as I reach Macy's house.

"Hiya stranger" she says opening the door.

"I've missed you" I said embracing her in a hug.

"I hope you've got a bottle of rosé cause ive got news" I said walking into her kitchen getting two glasses out the dishwasher.

"Go upstairs I'll go Into the cellar and get a bottle" she said and I made my way up Into Macy's room which I knew all too well.

"Right what have you got to tell me" she said walking through the door opening the bottle.

"Right well, I've been seeing someone" I said as she poured me a drink.

"Jamie?" She said pouring her own one, I shook my head.

"Who?" She said taking a sip of her drink.

"Okay just promise you won't freak out or get mad at me" I said downing my drink, bracing myself for the truth.

"It's Bradley" I said breathing a sigh of relief and grabbing the bottle pouring myself another drink.

"Bradley? As in Bradley Simpson? As in your Sisters boyfriend!" She freaked.

"Maybe" I said covering my face.

"Oh my god Taylor! How did this happen?!" She shouts jumping up and down on me.

"Calm down! It's not that big of a deal" I said.

"Not hat big of a deal, your having an affair with your sisters boyfriend!"

"I don't know how it happen, it just did, I really like Mace and I think he actually likes me" I said blushing at the idea.

"You do know how crazy that sounds right" she said causing me to snap my head round to her.

"Whys it crazy for Brad to like me, we have been seeing each other for like 4 months, we've had sex, we've spent weekends together.." I said instantly regretting telling her.

"Taylor, he's with Jess.. I admit he may act like he loves you now but when it comes down to it he'll choose Jess, he'll always choose her" she said.

"Fuck you Macy"I said with tears forming in my eyes.

"Taylor!" Macy called after me but I carried on walking till I was out of her house. My heart was breaking how could she say that, she's meant to be my best friend and she's acting more like my mother! Or should I say acting more like Jess! In pure anger I pull out my phone and call the only person I wanna see right now.


"Hey love, what's up?" I smile as he's voice comes on the other end of the phone.

"Fancy coming to get me?" I said sniffling.

"Are you crying?" He asks.

"No I'm fine" I laugh trying my hardest not to cry.

"Stay where you are I'll be there in 2 seconds" he rushes down the phone.

I sat on the curb a thew houses down from Macy's, waiting for Brad. When I heard a speeding car coming towards me I looked up to be met with brads black jeep pulling up next to me. I climb in the car, buckle my seat belt and smile at Brad.

"Thank you" I said.

"What's wrong, why are you crying? You worried me" he said driving out of here.

"Nothing just been feeling pretty down" i said looking out the window at a couple walking along holding hands. I can feel brads eyes burning into me as I stare at what I wish could be us.

"Is it us" he said putting his hand on my thigh, I didn't say anything, just carried on starring at the couple as the man pulls the woman into a hug and kisses her head.

All of a sudden I feel the car swerve round the corner and Brad park up.

"I don't want you to feel sad, ever, when your with me I want you to be the happiest hit in the world, cause that's how I wanna make you feel" he said stroking my cheek.

"It's hard when your making someone else feel like that" I said looking down.

"What are you doing this weekend?" He asks.

"Nothing, why?" I said not moving my eyes.

"Well, I've got this show at the O2 and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me, you can stand backstage and watch us from the wings" he said getting excited which made me smile.

"That's not possible" I rolled my eyes. "What am I gonna tell my mum and Jess and what will you tell the boys?" I fuss.

"Well your mum and Jess are going away on a business conference and all you had to tell them was my crew team are helping you out with work experience and that's all you had to tell the boys" he said stroking my leg.

"Omg this is actually happening?!" I smile and he smiles back.

"Ah I love putting that smile on your face" he breathes before pulling me into a kiss.

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