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Taylor's POV:

I woke up to a very loud banging on the door, I opened my eyes slowly adjusting to the lightening. I looked around and didn't recognise where I was and then I looked beside me and smiled cause Brad was there and I didn't care where I was as long as he was here.

"Bradley! Please open up! I know your in there?" I heard Jess shout from the other side of the door.

I jumped up and so did Brad, he grabbed my clothes and bag put his finger to his lips indicating for me to be quiet.

"What do you want Jess?" He said.

"I wanna talk to you, please just unlock the door" she begged.

Brad pointed to the door on the other side of the room that leaded me out and into Connors room. I put my clothes down and quickly took brads top off and put Connors on so it looked liked I had been here all night and slid in next to Connor. I tried my best to stay silent to listen to what Jess and Brad were talking about.

"I miss you Bradley"

"Your a Bitch Jess, your a bitch to me and your a bitch to Taylor and I'm sick of it!" Brad snapped.

"I'm sorry, please please don't leave me.. I couldn't go on without you" she begged again. It broke my heart to hear my sister talk like that.. Even more that I felt the same way she did about Brad.

Brads room fell silent and I couldn't hear anything anymore and I started to worry.

"Taylor? Have you been here all night?" Connor said rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, hope you don't mind? I just didn't wanna sleep on the sofa" I said trying to be cute.

"Na its fine" he smiles and I smile back.

"What's all the banging" he said lifting his body up to face the door that leads to brads room.

"I don't know, why don't I go have a look" I said just wanting to go see what Jess and Brad are doing.

"Okay" he said as I got up Connor laughs.

"What's funny?" I ask.

"Your bum looks good in my t shirt" he said.

"That don't make sense?" I laugh.

"Well my top comes just above your bum and it looks good" he said standing up and leaning down to squeeze it.

"Connor!" I gasp and playfully hit him.

"Hey con-" Brad said as he walked in on Connor grabbing me. I turned round sharply and instantly removed myself from Connors grasp but Brad still didn't look impressed.

"Sorry I didn't know I was intruding" he said.

"Taylor? What are you doing here?" Jess popped out from behind the door in one of brads tops.

"I stayed with Connor" I said.

"Okay well maybe you should go home cause mums probably wandering where you are.. Come on I'll give you a lift" she huffed and rolled her eyes.

"It's fine! I'm not a child, I can walk" I said grabbing my clothes and walking to the bathroom to get changed.

Once I'd finished getting dressed I walked out into the living room where James and some girl were passed out on the sofa.

"Come on ill give you a lift" Connor said twirling his keys.

"I hate her!" I growled as I slammed the door to Connors car making him jump.

"I'm sorry I just argh! She treats me like a child.. Is she forgetting I'm 18 in 2 days!" I huffed.

"I know.. Like I know she's your sister and brads girl and all that but Jess kinda does suck" he laughs a little and I laugh back.

"Ahh! Connor everything about you is so infectious.. You smile, I smile ,you laugh, I laugh" I said throwing my head in my hands.

"That's a good thing ain't it?" He laughs.

"Yeah but I don't wanna be happy right now, I wanna be angry at my sister for ruining my life!" I scream.

"Your so fiery.. I love it" Connor said looking at me, maybe if I was in love with Connor my life wouldn't be so crazy, he's a nice boy, funny, good looking, why am I just attracted to danger and complications!

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