c l o s e d c a n d l e l i g h t

Depuis le début

"Ooh, share!" Charley's giddy figure scooted to the edge of her chair, elbows on the crown of her knees.

They exchanged looks; Vegas wanting to keep the story simple, and precise while Harry cared to tell every detail. Fortunately for Harry, his lips emptied a voice first, preparing their story of love.

"It all started with a book. The novel, Nightingale, under her boss' publication," Harry articulated, fingers cupping Vegas' shoulder blade, "I was under a pen name, but the information of my real identity was given to her boss."

"He wanted me to start a job with him in order to start a sequel for his bestseller. I went to his house across town and immediately, he tried to touch my butt," Vegas told, nudging her boyfriend's side with playful anger, "I told him off, and he ended up coming to my job. Being a weirdo and demanding I go to lunch with him. I denied, of course."

"And she wounded my heart," His palm grasped at where his heart would be, frowning in sadness, "But after she denied me, I found out where she lived and brought her lunch instead. I also found out she's allergic to peanuts. Very allergic."

"He caused me to burst into hives, throat closing until I fainted. I was in the hospital for a few days, but he bought me loads of roses. So, it wasn't as bad as it could of been," She informed her friend, shrugging her shoulders under his touch.

"From there, I tried to imprint myself on her life. She thought I was being persistent, but look where we are now." Harry lowered his lips to pepper her collarbone, aligning to the brim of her neck. Vegas drew giggles and bottomless pleads to halt his actions, but they both knew she loved his gestures indeed.

"You guys are the kind of couple I'll read about in like a book or something," Charley visualized the entire story, how each of them would of conducted themselves within the plot. Her index finger looped around the handle of the tea cup, bringing the liquid to her lips. "So cute."

"She's the cute one," He muttered to Vegas' skin, his free arm curving to her front side to inch her closer to his hold.

"Have you ever thought about your future together?" Charley questioned, placing the cup to the wooden surface in front of her.

"Well of course," Vegas nodded.

"I want to marry her. She'll having my children, and we will grow old together," Harry predicted, his voice sparing no hesitation. He desperately wanted this more than anything in his lifetime. He found his undying form of happiness, through his destined one.

Her head snapped to view the intensive seriousness of his words, the luring jade orbs darkening to a shade of deepened emerald. She was fascinated at how positive his plans were, how she was included in them without a further notion of joking around. Her chocolate orbs lit up, despite the dim lights, and heart warmed with comfort.

"Is that what you want, Vee?" Charley inquired, drawing their attention to wait for her response.

"More than anything," Her eyes remained staring at Harry, admiring his chiseled features, sharpening jawline when he clenched the muscles of his jaw, and the contouring shape of his plump, pink lips for her consumption and usage. Palm raised to cup his smooth cheek, with a dash of stubble hairs he refused to shave, while the pads of her fingertips slid graciously into his brown locks pooled at his shoulders.

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