Lawrence reappeared and I stepped back to give the boys room to work.

"What happened?" I asked shakily. Victor had always been like an annoying older brother to me, and it pained me to see him this way.

Blue spoke while he pulled Victor's suit away from his chest, "Well, I told Victor to rob a store if he needed help with something or wanted to meet up with me again," he fell silent for a moment as he examined the bloody and bruised mess that was Victor's torso, "I didn't get there in time. Another super came to stop him, and, well, I think you can tell better than the rest of us who did this."

"Shit," I muttered again as I started chewing on my pinky nail again. I caught Daniel smiling at me and I quirked my brow, "What?"

He shook his head, "You're mother used to do that when she was worried about something."

"I know," I replied absent mindedly. Daniel turned back to Victor.

Before long, they had him thoroughly wrapped in gauze, a wet washcloth pressed against his forehead.

The three of us sat back and sighed. The boys had blood caked up to their wrists. After washing up, we all sat patiently in the living room.

"Did you find anything?" I asked Daniel. He shook his head in the negative, and we fell back into silence again.

We were suddenly spurred to life as the body on the couch began coughing violently. Blood started to dribble down his chin and we looked helplessly at him. He groaned as he tried to relax back onto the sofa.

"Shit," he muttered as he squinted up at us. He looked worriedly at me when our eyes met.

"Why didn't you fight him, or run away?" I asked finally.

"My ankle," he glanced down, "I think I sprained it earlier. But Johanna-"

Lawrence was already moving to put a brace on his ankle.

"Johanna," he said again and I met his eyes. He seemed reluctant to tell me what he wanted to stay, "He knows. The Golden Bullet is involved in this, and I think he knows where your mother is."

I stared at him in shock, "Shit," I muttered again.

"He, he told me to deliver a message to you," he was choking out his words through a grimace as Lawrence righted his ankle, "He's a psychopath. Even more than we are," he coughed again, "He wants you to suffer. And he said that if you don't show yourself soon, then he'll take it out on her. Everything he wants to do to you, he'll do to your mother."

"Shit," I muttered again and resumed my pinky chewing.

I turned on my heel and stalked off to the guest bedroom. I threw on my super suit and grabbed my gun and mask before walking back out.

"Where are you going?" Lawrence asked worriedly.

"I'm going to go give the psychopath what he wants."

"No!" They all said in unison.

"Johanna, we can't let you do that," Swift said as he tried to sit up.

"Psychopaths are never satisfied, Johanna," Blue spoke as he stood, "This won't solve anything."

"Look. You guys don't need to protect me. Okay?" My tone was loud and impatient, almost a shout, "What happens to my mom if I don't do this?"

"Johanna, please don't go," Lawrence pleaded.

"We have time to figure this out," Swift pitched in, "He said soon, not immediately. For all he knows, I'm passed out in an alley somewhere and haven't even delivered the message yet."

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Your mother will be fine," Blue spoke softly, "Obviously if this Golden boy knows where your mother is, then he's working with Blood Lust. I know from experience that Blood doesn't believe in collateral damage. All his plans are precise and to the point. He's trying to get to me, so he's making all sorts of jabs to try to weaken me. He's sending his minion after you because your probably the next biggest threat. He doesn't want you to get in the way of his plan, so he's trying to demobilize you."

I only stared at him.

"Don't make his job easier, Johanna."

I reached up and removed my mask before plopping down in the nearest armchair, a singular, frustrated tear slipping down my cheek.





Hey guys! What do you think is going to happen next? How did you like this chapter? What would you do in Johanna's position? Hope you're liking this story so far. Stay tuned for more updates! Thanks for reading!

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