"He hasn't called me," I pointed out.

"He said you never gave him your number. So I gave it to him, hope that's alright."

"Yeah that's fine." Had I really not given Gavin my number? Huh.

There was a crash on her end. "Oh shit, I have to go. I just spilled the coffee everywhere," She cursed.

I chuckled slightly, "Don't destroy our apartment! Bye."

I hung up my phone just as she yelled out a few more cuss words out of frustration, tossing it on the bed with a roll of the eyes. Then I noticed Will was still in the room, and was staring at me, and I jumped at little.

"What?" I asked, feeling uncomfortable under his gaze.

He shrugged and then we lapsed in to a silence for a bit. It was a little awkward, and after a few minutes, he spoke up.

"So who is Greg?"

I turned to face him in confusion. "What?"

"The guy your friend was just talking about, who is he?"

Realization dawned on me. "Oh, you mean Gavin?"

Will shrugged nonchalantly, "Yeah same difference."

I crinkled my nose, "Not really."

"Anyways, who is he?"

I reached for my Coke can, only to find it was already empty. Curses. I threw it carelessly across the room. "Why does it matter to you?"

"It doesn't," Will answered a little too quickly.

I gave him a suspicious look, "He's someone I work with," I started, and Will cut in.

"Oh so he's just an accountant?" Will asked, and I was slightly taken aback by how, once again, he made accounting sound so dismal. Yeah sure, it is pretty boring ninety eight percent of the time, but Gavin is the reason for the two percent where I have fun.

"What's so wrong with being an accountant, anyways? Do you like doing your own finances? Besides, he's really smart," Will shifted when I mentioned that. He's had a hard time in school ever since junior high. "And he's funny. He's my entertainment in the office."

Will grimaced, ever so slightly that I would have missed it if I wasn't paying attention. "Baseball players are still so much more badass."

"He played baseball his whole life, until he hurt his knee before his senior year of college," I said matter-of-factly.

Will rolled his eyes, "He hurt it? Please. I hurt my knee once, and later that night I pitched in a game and hit a home run."

"Will," I began, keeping my face straight. "Crashing on your bike and skinning your knee as a ten year old isn't the equivalent of having surgery."

"That's not what happened, I—" Will began to defend, but I stopped him.

"I was there! You crashed into a telephone pole. Then, so kindly, you claimed instead that I shoved you off your bike. My mom took my game boy for a week because she believed your lying ass."

Will paused for a moment to contemplate, then he gave me a sheepish grin. "I forgot you were there with me."

Of course you did.

"What?" Will asked. Oops, guess I said that out loud.

"Nothing," I replied quickly, after throwing one of my pillows at him.

Will shrugged it off pretty quick. "Oh hey, while we're on the topic, who was that guy with you at the game?"

"Oh, that was Gavin," I explained, making the connections for him.

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