"And you haven't told anyone, not even your parents?" Meg said as she got off the bench and walked closer to me. I shook my head and felt the first sign of tears, I was shocked, I haven't cried in years.

My surprise scared them off because I no longer felt them, Meg gave me a hug and it felt nice, "I couldn't tell them, they were so excited about their holiday even if they did make up a pretty lame excuse," I said laughing at the memory.

"Really? What was their excuse this time?" Meg asked and I could almost hear her smile.

"They needed to try save their marriage," Meg snorted and pulled back from the hug, I felt refreshed after the hug, "I know that's what I did," I said and we both started laughing.


For the next couple of hours we sat on the couch talking about all the excuses my parents had come up with to be alone, since they were teenagers til now. It was hilarious, once my mum said that she was joining a band and every time they went to practice she was really making out with my dad. It just happened to be they had practice every day after school, quite a disturbing thought.

Then there was another time where both mum and dad purposely got suspended so they could hang out with each other.

The door bell went off and Meg got off the couch and answered the door, minutes later Meg came back in the room with Kieran following behind her.

"Hey, just wanted to check up my little fighter," he said with a smirk planted on his face.

"Ugh, could you two please flirt somewhere else," Aunt Meg complained, rolling her eyes.

"Sure thing, I wanted to drag her out of the room anyway and to some more private things," Kieran said wiggling his eyebrows and I fought the urge to get look away and blush, so I just stood there with a stiff, emotionless face.

"Nat, you have to relax more, I know he was joking, well at least I hope so," Meg said giving Kieran a hard look and he stood looking uncomfortable which made me laugh because Meg was really short, most women in our family are short but I had inherited my dad's tall genes.

I walked around Kieran and pushed him in the back to get him to move. When we were in my room he became more relaxed, "seriously how is suspension? Everyone thinks you're awesome for getting suspended by your second week." I laughed but I never did get why you became cool for getting in trouble.

"It sucks," I said with a shrug and sat down beside him and lied down on the bed.

"You know I think we seriously did get more than we bargained for," he said in his annoying smart ass tone, and I glared at him because he didn't get suspended.

We decided that we would wait a little to do our next prank which was genius.


About an hour after Kieran came Sam and Siobhan came over and I was relieved when I saw that she had come home without any scratches, bruises or tears.

We were playing monopoly and Siobhan had just landed on Sam's hotel and had to pay $900, "I hate you right now," Siobhan said teasingly to Sam and he went all stiff. When he looked at her, his face was filled so much pain and hurt.

It reminded me so much of the day Alex rejected me the only difference was that Siobhan was joking and Alex wasn't. He started shaking. Oh no, this can't be good.

Sam fell to the ground and started rolling on the ground, groaning in pain, "AUNT MEGAN, EMERGENCY!" I screamed and within minutes Megan was in the dining room. I pushed the board game off the dining table and Meg put Sam on the table.

I was about to drag Kieran and Siobhan out of the room when I heard the first snapped bone and realized it was too late, Kieran and Siobhan were going to find out what we are, I just hoped that our couple weeks of friendship is enough. I doubt it.

Meg was speaking encouraging words to Sam and I was holding his hand, than the last bone snaped and he shifts, his first shift.

He was completely black with 3 brown paws-the two back ones and his left paw- his massive turquoise eyes, a bit smaller than your palm, were looked on Siobhan, who was hiding behind Kieran who looked like he wanted to hide behind one of the many pot plants in the room.

I wanted to help them understand but right now my brother needed my help more, I looked at Meg and she nodded. We both helped Sam out of the house and into the forest that was around the house. We both shifted and all of us started running.

After 20 minutes I left to go check on Kieran and Siobhan, when I got there I saw Kieran's car still there and I closed my eyes in relief.

I found the two of them huddled in the corner of the dining room, when they saw me they froze, "please don't hurt us," Siobhan said in a scared voice and it made my heart break thinking that she was now scared of me.

"If I was ever going to hurt you, I would have done it when I first met you, before I had any feeling towards you so I wouldn't feel any guilt," I said with no sarcasm or no humour.

Kieran got up and was studying me, probably trying to see if anything was off about me, that he had missed when we first met.

"So that's how you did it," I was confused by his statement, "the punch. When Jojo punched you, it wasn't the best but it was almost like you hadn't felt a thing but you should of, than you punched her, you broke her collarbone, that would've taken a couple of good punches yet you did it in one." He had caught on to something that was going to get me in a lot of trouble and him to his early death.

"That guy that pulled her back, he's like you and your brother isn't he? That's why you winced when he pulled you out, yet when I pinched you in the arm-really hard-you didn't even acknowledge it. I thought we were friends, I trusted you and your brother."

"You can't tell anyone," I said trying to put as much emotion as I could into my voice, "you can't because they will find you and kill you," I was practically begging him.

"Who are they? Actually you know what, forget that question, why didn't you tell me and where you ever going to tell me?" He said confused and hurt.

"How would you act if you found out I was a wolf, just like you now and if everything went to plan, never."

"I need some space," he said and grabbed Siobhan's hand. I felt my heart crack a bit, not completely but it was enough. I felt shattered and I didn't know why I felt so crushed, until I felt that tiny bit of hope that had slithered into my heart and had slowly increased, I didn't know how much it had increased until now, when it finally fell on me.

This felt worse than it had with Alex, yes Alex was my mate but I didn't know anything about him but with Kieran, I got to know him and grow a small attraction.

I wasn't one for tears as you probably know but this occasion was an exception, I could act like that ditsy girl in a romance book just this once, I ran up to my a cried on my bed thinking how things started out bad than got so much better, then hit rock bottom.

I got more than I bargained for.


End of sad chapter :)


Guys...You just can't win!!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz