What a Feeling

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Hey loves =3 Indie here! I'm finally back to updating on a regular schedule! I think I've finally found a house (for those who don't know my family is moving but I'm the one who's doing the leg work because I'm the only one living in the town my family is moving to) and I survived midterms! Enjoy and expect more updates... it's Spring break ;)

Harry's POV

"Excuse me sir," I coughed as I rolled down the window of the limousine, addressing the security guard standing outside the small concrete booth in front of us. His eyes immediately flickered over to meet mine, his face bore a sober expression as he curtly nodded in his head in greeting.

"How can I direct you Mr.?" He asked, his voice barely audible over the whistling wind around us. It was quite a blustery day and the sky was heavy with rainclouds, not my favorite weather to say the least. I hated how wind blew my long curls into an unruly mess. I always ended up with a few strands of hair in my mouth whenever I tried talking, and it forced me to pause and remove the stray pieces from mouth before continuing.

"Styles, Harry Styles," I said, a sheepish smile pulling at my lips. "I'm with the rest of my band and-"

"We're One Direction," Liam rudely cut me off as he leaned over me, his broad shoulders forcing me to lean back further in my seat so that he could his head out my window. I frowned, but I didn't say anything. I knew he felt the same urgency that I did about getting to see Niall, but I was much better at controlling my impatience. That is until Zayn decided that he too needed to take part of the conversation.

"Where's Niall?" Zayn questioned as he pushed Liam aside, causing the lad to lose his balance and come tumbling onto my lap with an elbowing landing on the worst possible part of my anatomy. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly as I let out a low groan of pain. I would have clutched my stomached and curled into a tight ball to minimize the pain, but Liam's body was completely on top of mine and Zayn had us both pinned down.

"Zayn, look what you made me do," Liam frowned as he gave me an apologetic look. I grunted, still in pain, to acknowledge his innocence.

"I don't care about Harry's d-"Zayn was muttering when he was interrupted.

"Boys! Enough!" Simon bellowed from his seat near the front limo. He waved his hand at the driver, who nodded, and took control of the window away from us and rolled it up.

We usually didn't misbehave, but it's been nearly four months since we'd heard any sort of news about our two missing band mates. Could he really blame us for being anxious and on edge? I was also in pain... and sadly I was slowly becoming accustomed to this type of pain in particular. It seemed that my crotch had its own gravitation pull no matter how hard I tried to protect myslef.

"Do you mind moving you ass Zayn?" Liam huffed uncomfortably.

Zayn sighed in annoyance as he shifted back over to his original seat. "Happy now?"

"Very," Liam grumbled as he pushed himself off my lap and sat back down properly in his own seat.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips as the weight of the two boys was removed. The limo had started moving past the guard station, little to our acknowledgement, as we were still bickering among ourselves.

"Well, that was embarrassing," Simon muttered as ran his hand up and down the side of his face slowly, his brows furrowed as he turned and gave us his infamous glare.

"It's... it's just nerves? You know?" Liam said as he chewed his bottom lip. "Sorry I'm salty lads."

Zayn nodded his head in agreement. "I'm just so..." The raven haired boy shook his head as his voice softened. "I've been so worried."

"Haven't we all been?" Simon said as he let out a sigh. "Just please try to keep your emotions in check. As difficult as this has been for us, today it's about Niall, and I can't even begin to imagine how hard it's been for him. Let's keep that in mind lads."

We all nodded in agreement as the limo pulled up to the front of the police station. We stepped out of the car one by one, much like we would have if it'd been a red carpet event, and made our way up the stairs to the glass doors embossed with the police insignia.

"We've been expecting you!" A friendly woman smiled as she opened the glass door and ushered us inside the station.

"Yes, I'm sure," Simon chuckled as he smiled tightly. His expression softened as he glanced at us lads and then back at the officer in front of us. "Trust me it's been all we can manage to keep our sanity in check these past few months. Where's my boy?"

'He's back with Detective Watson in his office, but I'll take you back there now," she smiled as he motioned for us to follow her.

"I've got the cold sweats lads," Liam muttered under his breath to Zayn and me as we walked down the long hallway toward several large office spaces.

"I've never felt more anxious in my life," I admitted as I swallowed, my throat feeling tight.

The officer, her nametag reading Rhodes, smiled at us as she knocked on the door of the office to out left. "Detective Watson?"

The movement of someone rising from a chair could be heard, then heavy footsteps, and finally the clicking of a door handle as it slowly opened revealing two figures. One was an older man, wearing a decorated uniform and the other had familiar bleach blonde hair and piercing blue eyes.

"One Direction-"Watson opened his mouth to address us, but no address was needed.

Immediately the lads and I rushed into the office, nearly knocking over the man before us down in our frenzy to get to our mate. Niall stood from the chair he was sitting at, his eyes wide and brimming with tears as he opened his arms to embrace us. I wasted no time in embracing the boy, my grip tight, with Liam and Zayn following my lead.

"I- I've missed you guys so much..." The blonde mumbled through tears as he buried his face into my chest, the material of shirt becoming damp with his tears.

"We've missed you too Ni," Zayn cooed as he kissed the top of Niall's head. "We were so scared..."

"Don't you ever... don't ever..." Liam was too chocked up to even finish his sentence, tears streaming down his face as he rested his head on the blonde's shoulder.

"Niall James Horan, don't you ever think about leaving us again. Ever." Simon shook his head, his eyes teary, as he too joined the group hug.

The only thing that was keeping this reunion from being perfect was the fact that we were still missing one fifth of One Direction.


QUESTION OF The DAY: have you ever had froyo? If so what's your favorite flavor?

I've back~ so thanks to everyone for being so understanding and supportive!

Also... would you guys be interested in a hybrid fanfic? I read a few recently and it seems like it'd be fun to write one. Input pelase!

I love you all,



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