Stockholm Syndrome

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It's been a long wait for this chapter, but I can promise that it was worth it. The video attached is the OFFICIAL STOCKHOLM SYNDROME TRAILER! If the video doesn't work on the app, it doesn't on my phone, I've also linked the trailer to my profile. Go to my profile and click about, then more, and the link to the trailer will be there. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WATCH IT. It was made by me (story/ideas) and xHemmingshugsx (video/editing). I've waited so long to update because I wanted to surprise you guys with this. I hope you enjoy it!


Niall?" John's voice interrupted me from my thoughts, the doorknob creaked as he opened the door and walked inside my room. He didn't bother knocking, to see if I was undressed or anything, but John wasn't the type to waste time with manners. He was always about business.

"Mmm?" I mumbled as I continued to lay in bed, staring at the ceiling fan above me. The blades kept spinning in circles, going around and around... and in some weird way I could relate to them. It reminded me of a song that the boys and I wrote almost five years ago, Same Mistakes we'd called it. Damn that was such a long time ago. We were all so naive back then. A small smile tugged at my lips at memories of our early days in the studio.

"Niall, Dr. Hanks will be arriving shortly. You need to get up and start getting ready," John said as he opened my closet and threw a nice pair of jeans and a t-shirt at me. The shirt landed on my face, earning a groan of protest from me.

"What's wrong with what I have on? I'm comfortable," I sighed as I reluctantly sat up, the shirt falling onto my lap.

"Max was thinking that we'd go out tonight for dinner," John answered as he shut the closet and waited for me to change.

"Yeah? Why's that?" I mumbled as I pulled my comfy white t-shirt off and replaced it with the light blue cotton one that had been so graciously thrown in my face. I mean, it was a nice shirt, sheer and super soft, but I still felt unsettled about dinner with Max. Somewhere in the back of my mind the thoughts about turning Max in to the doctor still churned.

"To celebrate," John said dryly as he turned his back to me. Once he was no longer facing me I striped down to my knickers and kicked my Nike sweatpants of and into the corner of my room. I'd pick them up later I told myself as I pulled on the pair of jeans.

"Celebrate? Why?" I asked again, as I walked past John and picked up my white sneakers.

"Why? Why? You're seriously asking me why we're celebrating." John laughed harshly as he shook his head. "You'd know better than anyone."

"Uh-huh," I muttered as I slipped on my shoes. "So are you going to tell me or not?"

"Your knees supposed to get cleared from Dr. Hanks. You'll be off those crazy meds and I won't have to babysit you for Max anymore," John said as he walked into the hall with me following.

"Oh...yeah," I chuckled lightly as we moved from the hall to the grand staircase. I'd hadn't put much thought into it, because it was unexpected. Max doing something nice for me, was completely and totally unexpected. We'd been getting on alright lately, and we'd had fewer spats, but still... his kindness wasn't something I was accustomed to. It wasn't something I should be accustomed to after all, because we weren't mates.

"Max suggested Nandos, because that's your favorite place to eat right?" John asked as we entered the breeze way.

Nandos? Max was taking me out to eat at Nandos to celebrate my recovery. My mind was completely blown.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to follow me to the kitchen? Dr. Hanks is waiting you know," John sighed in annoyance as he turned to make sure that I was still following him. I was, but I'd froze the minute he said Nandos.

Stockholm SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now