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I wished that I could have gone to the police station that was in the town where Max's house was, but I'd watched enough crime shows, like CSI and Criminal Minds, on Netflix while we toured to know better. I knew that Max and John would be looking for me there, so I had to outsmart them. I had to keep going, driving until I was absolutely sure that I wasn't being followed. I wouldn't be much use to Louis if they caught me before I was able to get help. I blocked everything except the address of Max's mansion out of my head as I drove.

I had been driving for what seemed like days. In reality, I'm sure only a few hours had passed since I'd escaped from Max's house. I had the radio turned up loud, an attempt to distract my mind from wandering back to horrific event happened earlier and to what would happen to Louis now that I'd left, but it wasn't very successful. I was terrified of what Max and Tom would do now... I mean, John had killed someone to try and keep their secret! I shook my head as let out a frustrated sigh.

I'd left the house, or rather prison, around sunset, and it was now pitch black out. The moonlight shone on the pavement, illuminating it and casting eerie shadows along the road. The only other source of light was from the car itself. I was at least a good 500 miles away, being that I drove at an average speed of 90mph, but I still felt anxious. It was hard to shake the feeling that I was somehow being followed. It was impossible, but I was still paranoid. Who wouldn't be after all I'd been through? I needed to stop soon though, my gas gage was nearing empty faster than I'd have liked. I promised myself that I'd stop at Kirksville, the nearest town, about 8 miles down the road.

I continued to follow the exit signs, driving past a "Welcome to Kirksville!" sign, and found myself in the tiniest town I'd ever seen. Mullingar was small, but it was a city compared to this town, if you could even call it that. I doubted that more than 100 people called Kirksville home. I saw a small ma and pa's grocery store, a barber shop, a bank, and a gas station. There were a few other buildings that compromised the rest of the town square, but it was too dark to make anything else out. I drove into the gas station, pulling up to the pump and parking my car.

I fumbled around in the car's glove compartment for my wallet, but let out a few choice swear words when I realized that everything I owned was back at Max's house. I was broke, well... kinda. I had millions in the bank, but I didn't have any cash on me.

"Fuck... why does this goddamn shit always have to fucking happen to me," I muttered as I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. How the hell was I supposed to get gas with no money? I doubted that the owner of the gas station would accept an "IOU" note. I mean, I was a celebrity, but I never used my status to take advantage of people.

"Is something wrong?" a feminine voice asked.

Turning, I saw a young women at the gas pump beside me. She looked concerned, as she walked towards me.

"Um, yeah...I forgot my wallet," I muttered sheepishly as I avoided making eye contact with her. I felt bad for swearing in front of a lady, but I hadn't known she was there. "Sorry about that."

"Sorry?" She questioned, her eyes lighting up as a smile tugged at the corner of her soft pink lips. "You're sorry you forgot you wallet?"

I smiled slightly when I caught on to her joke. "Yeah that, and the fact that you heard my French."

She shook her head slightly as she let out a light laugh. "I've heard worse, but I do find it amusing that a guy who can afford a fancy car like that," she motioned to the Porsche, "forgot his wallet."

"Yeah..." I trailed off as my eyes glanced at the red car beside me. Dr. Hanks' car. It wasn't really my car, but I figured it was better to let her assume that it was.

Stockholm SyndromeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora