Someone Call a Doctor

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Niall's POV

"So, Niall, are you going to come back to the police department with me?" Dr. Hanks asked, breaking the silence once more.

"I...I want to," I muttered as I whipped a few tears from my eyes. "I just can't let Louis get hurt. He's got it worse than me, ya know?"

I did want to go to the police. I wanted to see my mates and family. I wanted to tour and promote our next album. I wanted all of this, the past few months, to seem like a bad dream. I needed to go to the police, but thinking about it made me feel sick to my stomach. I was terrified that something would go wrong and that I would just make things worse.

"Good, then after I pack up my things here we'll leave and go straight to the station. I know this is hard for you, but you're making the right choice Niall. Trust me," he said as a warm smile formed on his face.

I smiled weakly, a lump forming in my thought as I did so. I'd never been so nervous about anything in my entire life. Auditioning for the bloody X-Factor had been easier than this!

"Don't worry Niall, I promise everything will work out," the doctor said as turned from me and began to pack up his medical instruments into his bag.

"Yeah, course," I said, my voice heavy with false optimism.

And then there was a knock on the door.

My heart began to race a million miles a minute, and I mentally used every profanity in my vocabulary.

"Knock, knock! Can you let me in now?" Max's cheery voice floated in from the other side of the kitchen door.

Just act natural... like nothing happened. Breathe. Dr. Hanks glanced at me, giving me this serious look, a warning to act as if we'd just been talking about my knee. I briefly nodded, putting my on best fake smile, before Dr. Hanks walked over to open the door.

"We'd just finished," the older man chuckled as he opened the door and welcomed Max into the room.

"Yeah? And how is he doing? All clear?" Max smiled as he walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. I had to fight every fiber of my being to stay calm and not flinch. I had to act like nothing had happened or I'd blow it, but I couldn't stop my racing heart.

"Yeah, he's good to go. The ligaments in his knee have tightened back up, there's no swelling, and the bruising is almost gone," the doctor smiled as he finished packing his bag. "Is there anything else you'd like me to check before I leave?"

"Hmm, not that I can think of. If Niall's knee is good that's all I care about," Max hummed as he patted my back.

"So John said that we're going to Nandos?" I asked hopefully, trying my best to sound cheerful.

"I told John to tell you that we were going to celebrate, but it seems like he forgot the part where I told him that Nandos was supposed to be a surprise," Max chuckled as he stepped back from me. "Speaking of which... John! Would you please come here?"

Not even thirty seconds passed before John entered the room. "Yeah?" he answered gruffly.

"Would you and Niall go get the car ready for me, while I take care of paying Dr. Hanks?"

As soon as the words left Max's lips I froze. This wasn't how things were supposed to work out. I was supposed to leave WITH Dr. Hanks, not with John. My eyes fanatically searched for the doctors, and upon meeting them, I knew that we'd have no choice but to play along with Max's plan. He smiled tightly before turning to Max.

"Actually Max... I'd like to talk to you about something," the doctor chuckled nervously. What the hell was he doing? My heart continued to pound against my chest as I tried my best to stay calm. The situation was completely out of my control.

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