Rivals will Fight

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“Kailani this is Jesse,” Willem said introducing a man with jet black hair and hazel eyes.

“Nice to meet you,” Kailani said politely.

“You too. I hear you taught Necia a lesson earlier,” Jesse commented knowingly.

“She underestimated me,” Kailani replied simply.

“Not one to brag are you?” Lerato commented; Noting the girl was being rather quiet than boasting about taking Ares daughter down.

“Believe it or not I wasn’t trying to make her look bad. I just wanted to show I’m not helpless,” Poseidon’s daughter quickly explained.

“You succeeded,” Willem said. Kailani smiled and brushed a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear.

“Kailani.” Willem was less than thrilled to see Demitri walking up to where they stood. “Ready?”

“Better question might be are you?” The blonde girl replied. “You might want to wear armor.”

Demitri smiled warmly at her. “It’ll be fine,” He assured her. Looking at the son’s of Hades the demigod said, “I’m sure you’ll see Kailani later; we have practice.”

“See you tonight,” Willem told her. Kailani nodded and the trio walked away leaving Kailani and Demitri to practice.

“Let’s see how you hold a bow and arrow,” Demitri announced.

“Okay.” Kailani picked up the bow and the arrow and put the two together and aimed them toward the target.

“Shoot it.”

Kailani drew the arrow back and just as she let it go closed her eyes.

“Why did you do that?!” Demitri asked surprised.

“What? You told me to shoot it!” Kailani said defensively.

“Shoot it yes, close your eyes no,” The green eyed man replied. “Do it again and leave your eyes open,” He instructed.

“What if I hit something?” Kailani said openly concerned.

“You’re supposed to hit the target.”

“But…” Kailani fell silent lowering her bow and arrow.

Demitri stepped up next to her. “Relax. What happened earlier is not entirely your fault,” The son of Artemis revealed. “I went and saw Dex. Dex had no business being where he was.”

“What if I get you?” She said and glanced down.

Demitri smiled at her. Gently he lifter her chin to look at him. “You’ll be fine. Trust me.”

“Okay,” She sighed. Lifting the bow and drawing the arrow again she aimed and shot the arrow; with open eyes. “I missed!” Kailani said disappointed.

“It’s okay,” The demigod assured her. “Your stance is a little off.” Demitri stepped closer to her and readjusted her to get her into better position. “Try again.”

Kailani shot another arrow and this time barely missed the target. “Better,” He replied. “Watch your breathing.” Demitri stepped up behind her and helped her straighten out her arrow. “Now try.”

The arrow shot through the air and struck the target. “I did it!” She shouted excited. “Thank you!” She shouted and hugged the demigod.

Demitri laughed but let her hug him. “See you can do it. You just need some practice. Do it again.”

Kailani didn’t waste any time and following his gentle directions began shooting more arrows. She didn’t hit the target every time but she was quickly showing progression.

Water GoddessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon