I think about what might happen tomorrow and today's events. And at scheduled time, G turned on the T.V. It showed Sans and Papyrus talking about the concert that will happen in October.

"Yeah, i think it would be cool." "I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WOULD LOVE TO VISIT LONDON." "Tibia honest, i would to." He laughed as others gave out a generous chuckle. Papyrus face palms, saying: "SANS!"

The whole bar laughed at the pun, including me. This is what I needed. I love that side. Making puns out of nowhere, it's a creative thing. It's a way to bring people together. Something I wished I had...

"i have friends in London i would like to see again." Sans responded, after papyrus' ,old enough but still very amusing, bickering. "Oh? What are the friends names?" Asked the news woman. "i don't feel like they would like camera crew around them 24/7 so I won't tell, but....a close friend told me there is a special person there for me. so...i can't wait to meet them." Answered sans, giving a wink to the camera. People off camera either squealed or 'aw'ed. 

And once again, the bar went 'Oooohhhh~' and my face went red in embarrassment. "Hey, (Y/N), is your singing thing happening tomorrow?" Asked the purple bird. I nodded my head. "But the thing is, I don't know what to sing." I laughed in embarrassment.



"You'll do great." Replied G.

"Thanks, boss." I thanked with a smile, remembering Jacob telling me the same thing. "Yeah. Have you heard your voice?! It's amazing!" Commented Dogamy. "Why don't you sing for us?" Asked the grey horse with blonde hair and shades. I waved my hands in defense. "C-Come on guys. This is embarrassing."



"Can help you practice." Replied G.

"Y-You think so?" I asked in curiosity. "(Of course, dear. Plus, I haven't heard your voice in a while)" answered Dogaressa. "OK then," I sighed. "Here goes nothing I guess."

Then the horse played a familiar tune on the jukebox. As the song began, I took a deep breath and sang Clarity. I'm not doing lyrics because this whole chapter is going to be filled with them.

As the song dies down, I heard clapping and cheers all around me. "You have nothing to worry about." Commented the fish. "You'll do great, buddy." Replied Doggo. Even Lesser Dog nodded his head. And he hardly does anything.

"OK then. Thanks guys." I thanked.

"Now that w-we helped, can I-I get a Burger?" Asked the body-less bunny. "Sure thing." I chuckled.

This helped me a lot. I love working here.

Time skip brought to you by music taking forever to remember

Today is the day.

Today is the day when I'll have a chance.

A chance to show them what I got!

They have this system where if you sighed up for the contest, they'll call you up. One by one. And when you're done, you sit in the audience to listen to the rest of the people who signed up.

All classes are cut short by 25 minutes because of the candidates and getting the rest of the school seated, so we have 20 minutes each class.

I was the 26th person in line and the last one at that.

From the front of the line, I kept hearing squeals from some girls and monsters, when they looked through the door's window. They keep saying something about.....'legs'? I don't know anymore.

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