Chapter 21

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Kellins POV
"Viccy, I'm tired" Vic chuckled as he rolled over to face me.

"Well, I hope your not so tired that you can't pack for California" My eyes opened instantly as I sat up, grinning at him.

"So your still letting me move in with you?" He chuckled before nodding, kissing the side of my head.

"I wouldn't have it any other way my little valedictorian" I smiled, rolling my eyes as he repetitively kissed my head.

"Now, if you get up and dressed, I will make you breakfast before we begin packing, how does that sound?" I grinned, nodding my head.

"Sounds like I've picked the right guy" he smiled, rolling his eyes before pecking my lips. I smiled as he got out of bed, throwing on a shirt and walking downstairs, where I could hear him talking to my parents.

I laid back down, staring at the celing and smiling. Prom last night was honestly amazing. Gee finally asked Frank out and they went together, everyone else bringing their girls and Katelyn coming with her boyfriend.

Halfway through the evening though, everyone got bored, so we all went out and sat on the field. They had all done that cliché thing where they waited to open their university letters together; and yesterday was that day. They all got into the uni's they wanted.

Jacks going off to Paris to study for some apprenticeship, Alex is going to Miami, Justin's going to Minisoda, Gabe's going off to Texas, while Gerard is staying here so he can be with Frank. I can't remember where Katelyn's going, somewhere in England.

After finding out that all of us are moving away - all promising to keep in touch and have group Skype calls - Vic said he didn't feel so bad about taking me to California with him. All of us cried last night - as lame as it sounds - as it was the last time we'd get to see each other as by the end if the week, everyone would be packing for uni.

I didn't particularly want to continue my education, I didn't really have a passion that I wanted to be qualified in. All I know is that I want to become a parent - despretly. So, with me not wanting to go to uni, I was more than happy when Vic said he wanted me to move in with him.

I knew it would be a big step, moving away from my parents, but I know they need the space. I've noticed that they've been having money troubles and haven't been spending any time together as a couple. I think me moving our will be good for all of us.

Anyway, I know Vic would be willing to help them out financially or to fly them out to us, or us to them. That's just the kind of guy he is. The fact that Vic is famous, or that he's the lead singer of my favourite band, hasn't really sunk in yet.

Like yes, having people screaming at me and wanting to talk to me on Warped was a culture shock and the fact that my phone is constantly blowing up with notifications is definitely new to me. Some how, his fans managed to find my twitter and Instagram, completely invading my space.

But I'll have to put up with it if I want a future with Vic. And after the past three months we've spent tigether; I can definitely see one. Although three months isn't that long, it feels like it's been years I've known Vic - since I knew him before hand.

But I always have this constant worry: does he think we're moving to fast? Does he really want me to move in with him? What if he breaks up with me while we're on tour? How will I get home? They're all stupid things really.

"Kells, hurry up sweetie, your breakfasts almost ready" I grinned before jumping out of bed and running to the bathroom and getting changed.

I hummed as I walked downstairs, drying my hair with a towel.

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