Chapter 3

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I woke up to my mum screaming at me to wake up. I grinned as I jumped out of bed, and headed straight for the bathroom. I showered, washing my hair before running into my room again to use the hairdryer.

I quickly brushed through my hair and grabbed my clothes, picking up a random shirt before putting my shoes on. I grabbed my suit case and ran down the stairs, grinning once I saw mum and dad.

"Are you ready?" I nodded as we walked to the car, driving down to Katelyn's. I grinned the whole way, texting both Kate and Justin to wake them up. Luckily, Kate was already ready and Justin was in the shower. I didn't even wait for the car to stop before I jumped out and sprinted up Kate's drive.

"Bye Kellin! See you after summer!" I grinned, waving at them as Kate's mum opened the door.

"Hi Kellin, you excited?" I nodded, dropping my bag in the hall and running up to Kate's room.

"It's Warped day!" She grinned as I ran and jumped on her bed.

"Calm down Kells" I grinned again before looking around.

"Where's Justin?-" before I could answer the door bell was going. She smirked.

"He's here" I heard footsteps before Justin appeared at the door.

"Who's ready to meet some hot chicks?" He smirked as I groaned, Katelyn laughing.

We left her house, getting on the bus. I didn't shut up the whole ride, which really annoyed Justin.

"Kells please, Shut up!!" I blushed as the bus stopped and we got off.

"Kellin! Hurry up!" I groaned as Justin and I jogged to keep up with Kate, who was walking incredibly fast. We were walking up to a crowd of people, all here for the same reason as us. Warped Tour. It was the first day of Warped, and I was more then ready to spend the next three days here.

Katelyn didn't know too many bands playing, but she said she wanted to find some cute boy to hook up with, Justin looking for girls. I rolled my eyes as we got to the crowd, everyone chanting and laughing while security checked our passes. We weren't aloud in yet, but they still had to check.

Although Warped's set up may not be the best, a few stages and tent stools in a field, it was the atmosphere that made warped amazing. And I couldn't wait to get inside and find out what time Pierce were performing. Katelyn grinned at me.

"I've already spotted a cute boy" I rolled my eyes, shoving her as I heard cheers and saw people rushing into the grounds. Straight away, people began performing, causing Kate to squeal.

"It's Pvris!! Come on!" I laughed as she dragged me towards the main stage I think it was. As I was being dragged, I practically flew into someone. I groaned as Kate just ran off screaming.

I moved away from the person, looking at the floor, mumbling sorry before walking off towards the stage. I found her, squealing as she started jumping around, making me laugh.

After Pvris preformed, Pierce were doing a signing. Kate and I both went and got some of the merch for them to sign. I was ecstatic, I was about to meet my favourite band. The closer we got to meeting them, the more nervous I got.

By the time we were next in line, I was breathing pretty heavily. The security guard motioned for me to go up to the table they were sitting at. I held my breath as I placed my shirt and poster in front of Mike.

He smiled at me, saying hi before signing my things. I thanked him, blushing lightly as he passed the stuff onto Tony, who grinned as he began signing the poster.

"Hey! You having fun so far?" I nodded as he looked up at me before signing the shirt.

"Definitely, I'm so looking forward to your performance" he smiled, handing the stuff over to Jamie.

"So am I, I've missed performing at Warped" I smiled as I looked at Hime, him and Vic talking quietly while sneaking glances at me. I moved and stood awkwardly in front of them.

"Hey, what's your name?" I noticed Hime hadn't started signing my things yet, and that Vic was watching me.

"Uh K-Kellin" he nodded, still not signing my shirt or anything.

"And is this your first time at Warped?" I nodded, nervously biting on my lip as my cheeks turned red. He just nodded before signing everything and handing it to Vic. I smiled lightly at him, which he returned before signing my stuff.

He didn't say anything, but I could see him glancing up at me every-so-often. Once he was done, I gathered my things and waited for Kate. She smiled at me.

"How was meeting your favourite band?" I chuckled as we began walking to the stage Pierce would be performing at soon.


I screamed and cheered along with everyone else as Pierce finished their set. Vic spoke some more, scanning over the crowd. His eyes stopped on me, or Katelyn, for a good few minutes before they left the stage. I shrieked as I grabbed Katelyn's arm, dragging her over to where Justin said he would be.

"Wow amazing was that! Oh my god I love them" she chuckled as we walked up to Justin, who had just finished talking with some girl.

"Wanna go get some food?" I nodded, I was quite hungry. I guess dancing around all day can be tiring.

"But seriously Justin, Pierce's set was amazing. You missed out" he chuckled as we began walking towards the exit.

"I may have missed Pierce, but I got that girls number" Kate gave him a high five as I rolled my eyes.

"Well, you can go see them with him tomorrow while I go look for some boys" Justin nodded. I was fine with their swapping around, as long as I got to see Pierce again.

"Oh! I want to go to the Pierce meet and greet tomorrow" they nodded as we left the grounds, walking around a bit until we came to some restaurant.

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