Chapter 16

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Kellin's POV
"You know how much I love you, don't you?" I hummed as I felt another small bruise forming where his lips were lingering. He trailed his lips down my chest, harshly rubbing my hips.

"God Vic, just fuck me already" he chuckled, moving his hand to palm me through my boxers, making me arch my back and groan.

"Good things come to those who wait, Kelly" I latched my fingers into his hair, pulling hard.

"Oh come on Vic, you seriously can't do this to me" he chuckled, moving down and kissing my hips.

"I swear your always so horny" I nodded, groaning as he palmed me harder and bit my hip.

"That's because you do shit like this to me Vic-" I groaned again as he bit my hip harder.

"Fuck Vic"

"Vic stop toying with me, seriously" he simply chuckled before looking up at me and pressing his lips to mine.

"Fuck" I opened my eyes and sat up. I'd had another "Vic teases me so much I wake up with a boner" dream.


Currently; I was trapped in another locker. I was getting sick and tired of Dani and her constant digs at me. Her attacks have been getting more physical than verbal, and it was starting to scare me slightly. Whenever I walk down the halls, I would get shoved or yelled at by her, James, and his friends. I know I only have three more days left, then graduation, then the graduation prom, and then I'm free of her. But I feel like I won't survive that time.

That reminds me, I need to ask Vic if he'll go to the graduation prom with me, although that'll just give Danielle a clear shot at him. I groaned as I rested my head on the side of the locker; why does she have to make my life so difficult. I sighed as I heard movement before the locker opened. I rolled my eyes before climbing out, the younger kid looking at me wide eyed. I simply walked down the hall to the library, I was meant to be meeting Justin so we can revise for our test after lunch but, because of Danielle, I'm late.

As I opened the doors to the library, everyone looking towards me, I saw Justin flicking through pages in a book. I sighed as I went and sat next to him, him not looking up at me from the book.

"Where were you?" I sighed as I got my own textbook out, putting it on the table and opening it.

"One of Danielle's slaves locked me in some kids locker" he sighed, looking up at me.

"And have you told Vic?" I shook my head and looked down at the table, Justin sighing again.

"You should Kells, he cares about you, and I'm sure it would kill him to know that you were being bullied because your with him-"

"And that's why I don't want him to know-"

"But it'll kill him more to know that you were keeping it from him, and even you know that's true" I sighed, running my hands over my face.

"But he's having so much fun with his family, and I'm only going to be at school for a few more days" Justin sighed, going back to his book.

"It's your call" I nodded, going back to studying. Soon after doing so, I felt arms wrap round my neck, clasping in front of me, and someone's breath on my neck.

"Hello" whoever it was was trying to be seductive, and failing.

"How about the two of us get out of here and go have some, fun" I shifted awkwardly in my seat.

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