•° Epilogue °•

249 13 1

Three years later
Third person

Kellin walked down the hall to Carmen's bedroom; where she was sitting on her bed.

"You ready pumpkin?" Carmen smiled - as she always does when Kellin calls her pumpkin - before shaking her head, pointing to her brown hair that she wanted braided.

"Can you braid my hair daddy?"

Kellin grinned before sitting behind her, picking up her hairbrush and running it through his daughters hair. Kellin loved braiding her hair, almost as much as Carmen loved it.

"Where's daddy?" Although Carmen was fond of her father, she preferred Kellin. Probably because Kellin was with her more and did stuff like platting her hair.

"He's on tour still, remember?" Carmen sighed, nodding. She missed Vic a lot when he was on tour - which was all the time.

Kellin knew how much Vic hated touring sometimes, as he missed countless ballet recitals and parents evenings.

"But don't worry baby-" Kellin began braiding his daughters hair, smiling to himself. "-we get to see him today!"

Carmen giggled, putting her tiny hand on Kellins knee and playing with the thread from his ripped jeans. Carmen wasn't the only one who missed Vic when he was on tour. It killed Kellin inside, not having his husband around him for months on end.

Pierce fans have always been there for him, keeping him updated on Vic while he's on tour and even telling him off for getting shit faced.

The only thing keeping Kellin sane while Vic is away is Carmen. They've bonded a lot while they're together.

"Why are you always sad daddy?" Kellin frowned at the question. He tried to hide his dislike for not being able to tour with Vic from Carmen. As if she saw him being upset, she may be upset.

"I'm not always sad baby" she sighed, shuffling back and leaning against Kellins chest, luckily as Kellin finished the braid.

"You are when daddy's away" Kellin sighed, wrapping his arms around Carmen, resting his chin on her head lightly.

"It's because I miss him baby" she nodded, cuddling up to Kellin more.

When Vic and Kellin first got together, Kellin always thought he'd be able to tour with Vic, staying by his side. Even while he was pregnant with Carmen, his thoughts never changed.

Until he realised that the majority of Vic's tours, colided with school times. And they would be bad parents if they took Carmen out of school simply because Kellin couldn't handle being away from Vic.

"I love you"

"I love you too daddy" Kellin smiled, picking Carmen up and putting her on his hip, kissing her head. Kellin loved hanging out with Carmen, especially seeing her grow up. He would constantly send Vic pictures and videos of Carmen, showing how big she was getting.

The one video Kellin sent Vic that made him question the future of his band was one of Carmen taking her first steps. When Vic received the video, he wasn't expecting that.

It made him mad at himself that he missed such an important moment in his daughters life. All because he was in Mexico at the time, playing a week of shows there.

It destroyed Vic's heart knowing that he was effectively missing Carmen growing up while leaving Kellin to single handedly raise her. And Kellin. Vic's eyes would water whenever he thought about his husband sitting in their house alone.

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