Chapter 13

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Vic's POV
I woke up before Kellin, looking down at the sleeping boy in my arms. I liked waking up with Kellin, I also liked the thought of being able to wake up with him everyday for the rest of my life. As daunting as it sounds, I feel like we'd make it work. I smiled down at him as he shifted, lightly putting his hand on my chest. I smiled before linking my fingers with his and kissing his head, making him stir lightly.

"Morning" he opened his eyes, grinning once he saw me.

"Morning" I smiled as he wrapped his arms round my neck and pressed his lips to mine. He pushed me off him lightly, grinning.

"I thought last night was a dream, but obviously not" I chuckled, fiddling with his fingers.

"So you dream about me hu?" He blushed as I smirked, his bedroom door opening to reveal his mum.

"Morning boys, Kellin you need to be out of the house in twenty minutes, okay? Or you'll be late" he nodded, turning away from her and hiding in my chest. I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair.

"And what are you doing today Vic?" I shrugged.

"I'll take Kelly to school, then I fly back to Cali at lunch time, so could I just hang out here with you?" She laughed before nodding.

"Of course, but be warned, we're incredibly boring" Kellin hummed, waving his hand around.

"Okay well I'll leave you to it. Kellin, fifteen minutes" he groaned before dropping his hand onto my chest again as his mum left the room. He hummed as he hid his face in my neck and began rubbing my bare chest.

"Your so hot" I chuckled as I continued to run my fingers through his hair. I smiled before uttering a thank you as he kissed down my chest. I moaned lightly as I felt him begin sucking at the skin.

"God Kelly, keep it in your pants" he laughed as he pulled away from my chest, pecking my lips lightly before standing and grabbing some clothes.

"It's incredibly hard to do so around you, your just too sexy babe" I laughed as he winked before going into the bathroom across the hall to get changed. I yawned as I stood, getting changed myself. Once I was dressed - Kellin still in the bathroom - I checked my hair in his mirror, smirking when I saw a beanie of his sitting on his desk. I picked it up and placed it on my head, smiling as he entered the room. I pointed to the hat causing him to roll his eyes and grin at me.

"You are way too cute babe" I smiled as I wrapped my arms round his waist and pressed my lips against his. I felt him smile as he kissed back, loosely wrapping his arms round my neck. He bit my lip before pulling away, breathing heavily.

"Come on, I'm going to be late" I smiled as he began walking out of his room and down the stairs. I followed him, saying goodbye to his parents as we left the house. I fell into step with him and intwined our fingers, making him blush. He pulled a pack of gum out of his bag and handed me a piece. I nodded before putting it in my mouth, kissing the side of his head.

"I'm hoping that that wasn't a hint that my breath smells bad" he simply laughed as I followed him to his school. All while we were walking, he was relaying information that he learnt for his tests onto me, in hope that it counted as last minute revision. When we finally made it to his school, he sighed and stopped just inside the gates. He looked up at me and sighed again before throwing himself into my chest and wrapping his arms round my neck.

"I'm going to miss you so much Vic" I sighed, resting my chin on his shoulder as I rubbed his back. As much as I wanted to go back to Cali to see my family for a few days, I wanted to stay here with Kellin desperately.

"I know, I'm going to miss you too, but I'll be back within a week, when you'll be graduating, and we can go out and celebrate, along with your birthday" I heard him chuckle before he pulled away and faced me, his arms still round my neck. His eyes were lined with tears and it broke my heart.

"God I'm such a child for crying" he chuckled sadly before wiping the tears away. I simply sighed before pressing my lips against his and placing my hand on his cheek. I pulled him even closer to me and pressed my lips harder against his. I really didn't want to leave him. He pulled away, chuckling as a few tears fell from his eyes.

"I'm gunna go now, but I'll see you soon okay?" I nodded, wiping away his tears before cupping his face and pressing my lips against his.

"I. Love. You. Kelly" I kissed him between each word, making him giggle.

"Your so cute, and I love you too. Bye" I sighed, pecking his lips one last time before he turned and walked away. As he was walking, one of his friends came up to him and started chatting to him as they walked inside. I sighed, turning round to begin walking back to Kellin's, when I almost ran into that girl.

"Hey Vic" I groaned internally as she tried her hardest to look "seductive". I nodded at her, beginning to walk past her until she grabbed onto my wrist.

"Hey, you can't just leave! You'll regret it" she winked as I rolled my eyes.

"I won't, thank you very much. I'm happy with Kellin and I'd like it to stay that way for as long as possible" I smiled, simply thinking about Kellin, as she narrowed her eyes at me.

"How? He's nothing but a stupid little fag-" I groaned - externally this time - before rolling my eyes.

"Come on, like you care" she gasped, putting a hand over her chest.

"Of course I care! Your band saved my life!" I sighed as I began walking away from her.

"Oh really, what band?" She paused for a minute.

"Of Sleeping With Chemicals?" I groaned as I turned my back to her. I wasn't going to waste time on her, especially when she was being rude about Kellin. My Kellin.

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