Chapter 19- Getting Complicated :0

Comenzar desde el principio

I nodded. "It was...32 Rakers Street. Yes, that's the one. They told me to put it in the alley." I added.

"Then listen to our plan carefully. When they call the next time, stay calm. I'm sure they already understand the police will be here with you. We need to act smart. Put a few bundles of cash in a bag, just in case. Then do what they said: drop the bag in the alley. But don't worry, we'll be watching everything. My men are going to surround the place and keep an eye on for the kidnappers. Understand the plan?" explained the chief to me.

I nodded. "Im sorry, but you're two friends can't accompany us." He pointed to them.

They felt dismayed. But nevertheless, they couldn't come.

"I suggest you go and drop the bag in probably...oh, I don't know let's say in 3 hours from now?" Suggested the chief. I nodded again.

The inspectors and the chief looked satisfied and said, they would come back here after an hour or so. We all nodded, and with that they left.

"I just hope Megan is alright." said Nathan quietly. I heard him and tried to assure him.

"She will be. Let's not think negative." I said calmly. Though, part of me is saying that she is having a rough time and the other part telling me not to worry too much.

My consciences again. I told it in my mind: How in the world will I not worry when my ONLY daughter is kidnapped?


Megan's P.O.V

These guys were so lame, jerks, stupid, weird and...all the other curse words I could think of. They annoyed me to no end, and kept my phone with them. I growled sometimes and they made fun of me, by calling me "sick" pet names like Tiger, Kitten, Horsey and other stupid names! Ugh!

Now you would think I made no move to even free myself. Think again please.

I did.

Now you'll be like: DID YOU GET FREE AND ESCAPE?

My answer?


I mean, however much I tried I could not escape and I tried wriggling my hands out of the ropes they tied me with. And my gag they tied around my mouth? They took it off, so they could hear me ranting and cursing them and they laughed to no wits end.

"Easy there kitten! Wouldn't want a sweet, small delicate creature like you to escape would we?" joked Ralph. I growled almost.

"You bunch of freaking idiots are!" I didn't know what to say.

"Yeah, go on! We are so...what?" laughed Trevor. Ugh, those stupid jerks!

"Let ME finish it. We are so...awesome! Thanks for the compliment kitten, you really do impress us." sneered Frank. I turned my face away from them.

"And we'll be waiting for your mother to come in 10 hours or so." said Aaron's voice, which came somewhere in the back.

The guys lost interest of me, and joined Aaron in a game of cards. They left me in the dusty, dark corner. I was almost unseen.

And at that point, I think a miracle happened.

Well, not really a miracle but something good happened at least. Better than a miracle at least!

I was sitting still. Bored of course. And cursing those guys in my mind. I tried wriggling my hands out of the ropes, which I knew would be hopeless, but I still tried.

They loosened up a bit! Good! The rope must have worn out by all that wriggling I did so many times.

I tried getting my hands, and undoing the knots. And after 3 whole minutes of trying, I managed to loosen it enough so my hands could get out.

Yes! I was free!

Well, from the ropes. Not these monstrous rogues. What a pity!

The guys gave me occasional glances, so I had to pretend my hands were still tied behind my back. When they were not looking, I looked around and tried to find a weapon.

Well, all I could find was a screwdriver. Not a good threatening weapon though that would scare the guys. But at least it was useful.

I grabbed it when they were not looking at me, and suddenly stood up. Where all my braveness came from, I had no idea.

I dashed at the side of the table, and the guys noticed me and stood up immediately. The door was just a few meters away from me. I had to stop them following me when I made my way to the exit.

"Don't move! If you try anything on me...then I swear I'll kill you with this!" I threatened. I hadn't actually meant to kill them. Of course, that would be murder or something. And I didn't want to be charged.

The guys looked at each other and laughed. What the heck?

"You think...THAT is gonna scare us?" cried Mac. He pointed to the screwdriver I was holding up high threateningly.

"DON'T MOVE! I'LL SERIOUSLY KILL YOU TO DEATH IF YOU MOVE!" I yelled, raising my voice. The guys looked a little freaked out. Just a little.

I made my way towards the exit, walking backwards and keeping my eyes on them. They started walking forward, and each time they did I literally screamed at them!

But my plan failed! Seriously, what was wrong with me? Ugh, to think I was gonna escape and then there BAM! I get captured again!

"Don't let her escape!" ordered Aaron. The guys lunged forward at me and then grabbed me by the hands. They took the screwdriver out of my grip and then dragged me roughly back to my chair.

I protested a lot, and screamed and punched and kicked. But no, nothing worked. They tied my hands behind again. This time, very tightly with some strong wire and rope.

I yelped in pain. "Don't try any funny business kitten." growled Trevor.

And there, I was trapped again. Oh lord!

I wish my knight in shining armour will come and save me! Oh where are you hero?

And police should've already been here. Sheesh.

Don't worry Megan. You'll get saved by your "hero" very soon! In fact, he might be on his way! Who knows? Hehehe.




I hope you did!

~Scarlett :)

Two Destinies- (Book 1) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora